официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2018
(4872) 700-366

SINAUT ST7 configuration and diagnostics software for STEP 7

  • Executable under Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2;
    a STEP 7 software must also be installed.
  • Includes:
    • Module manager to supplement the HW Config STEP 7 tool;
      it displays and sets the parameters of the TIM modules in HW Config.
    • WAN Manager to supplement the NetPro STEP 7 tool;
      it displays and sets the parameters of the SINAUT WAN networks and network nodes in NetPro
    • The SINAUT ST7 configuration software is used for project-wide functions such as SINAUT connection configuration and SINAUT station management
    • SINAUT ST7 diagnostics and service tool;
      in addition to the diagnostics functions familiar to users of STEP 7, it also provides access to SINAUT-specific diagnostic information. The service tool can be used, for example, to upload new software to the TIM.

Module manager for SINAUT systems

A SINAUT ST7 folder is added to the SIMATIC 300 directory. This folder contains a list of all available TIM modules. The TIM module required in each case can be selected from this directory and installed in the S7 rack. A corresponding Properties dialog box can be called up to set the module parameters.

WAN Manager for SINAUT systems

In the catalog for the STEP 7 network configuration tool NetPro, the SINAUT "dedicated line" and "dial-up" networks are added to the "Subnets" directory. The SINAUT networks required in each case can be selected from this directory and installed in the NetPro window. With the SINAUT ST7 engineering software V5.0 and higher, the MSC-VPN tunnel protocol can also be used under the "Industrial Ethernet" network type for configuring the SINAUT data transmission via the Internet and GPRS.

The TIM modules can be assigned to these networks using the mouse or dialog boxes. Any erroneous connections are rejected immediately.

A corresponding Properties dialog box is called up to define the generally valid parameters for a network, e.g. ST7 or DNP3 protocol, transmission rate, etc.

The individual properties for each of the network nodes can be defined in a further dialog box, e.g. the dedicated telephone number for the connection to a dialup network.

If necessary, the Properties dialog box for a TIM module can be opened in NetPro with the same property options as in HW Config.

SINAUT ST7 configuration software

The SINAUT ST7 configuration software is an independent configuration tool for the telecontrol system that can comprise ST1, ST7 or DNP3 modules; it includes:

  • Connection configuration
  • Station management
  • SINAUT ST1 configuration overview

First, the "Connection configuration" tool is used to define the SINAUT stations (ST7 CPU, DNP3, ST7cc, ST7sc or ST1 device) between which a connection is required. For this purpose, the tool displays a list of all connections possible in the right-hand side of a two-section window. The tool has generated the list automatically using the network configured with NetPro (see WAN Manager for SINAUT systems). The user moves the connections actually required from the right-hand to the left-hand window using the pop-up menu.

One of the features provided by the "Station management" tool is a list of all SINAUT devices. If necessary, station-specific modifications can be made, e.g. the SINAUT station numbers can be changed for the individual devices, or message texts can be configured to be sent as text messages. The station management tool also handles configuring of the data frames to be sent and received if frame generation and evaluation are to be carried out by the TIM (only possible for TIMs with TD7onTIM functionality). The tool generates the system data blocks (SDB) for the CPUs and TIMs from the configuration data. If the SINAUT TD7 software is used for the CPU, the tool also preprocesses the accounting and communication data blocks for the CPUs, which it stores in the CPU block library together with the blocks (FBs, FCs) which are essential to the CPUs for SINAUT communication.

The third tool, "SINAUT ST1 – Configuration overview" is only required for configuring systems which also feature SINAUT ST1 devices. This tool makes adjusting the addresses for SINAUT ST1 much easier.

SINAUT ST7 diagnostics and service tool

In addition to the diagnostics functions familiar to users of STEP 7, the SINAUT ST7 diagnostics and service tool also provides access to SINAUT-specific diagnostic information. The service tool can be used, for example, to upload new software to the TIM.

SINAUT TD7 library, blocks for the CPU

The SINAUT TD7 library is a software package with blocks for the CPU (TD7onCPU), in which TD7onCPU can be used for ST1 and ST7 systems, but not for DNP3 systems. The package has been designed so that it can run both on an S7-400 and on an S7-300 CPU. Only a small number of blocks have been designed specifically for the S7-300 or S7-400 CPU respectively.

In the stations, the SINAUT TD7 software ensures that process data is transmitted between CPU and control console, e.g. ST7cc, and from CPU to CPU in the event of changes. Connection, CPU or control center failures are displayed. A data update for all participating communication partners is performed automatically following debugging or startup of a CPU or of the control desk. A time stamp can be assigned to data messge frames if required.

The package essentially comprises:

Basic and auxiliary blocks
Most of these blocks are always required in the CPU, a small number are optional. The basic blocks handle central tasks such as startup, monitoring of connections and connection partners, general requests, time management, handling communication etc. The auxiliary blocks enter data frames, for example, in the send buffer or fetch them from the receive buffer, handle send and receive jobs for specific connections, or provide information as a result of searches.

Data-point typicals
These blocks are integrated into the CPU program on the basis of the data types and data volumes to be transmitted. In the event of changes to data, they create message frames or output received process data.

In order to operate correctly, the TD7onCPU package needs a number of data blocks which are generated by the SINAUT engineering software. These are:

Central accounting DB
This block contains all data required centrally, e.g. accounting data for all communication partners as well as for all connections to be managed.

Communication DBs
A separate communication DB is created for every connection with a sending and receive mailbox and all data required for controlling and monitoring this connection.

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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