официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2018
(4872) 700-366

Commissioning software

The configuration tool is seamlessly integrated into STEP 7 (TIA Portal). It provides the following functions:

  • Commissioning screens:
    The commissioning software contains all screens for commissioning Modular and Standard PID Control.
  • Working with trend view:
    The trend view is used for graphical illustration of the setpoint, actual value and manipulated variable over time. The values of the trend view are updated at configurable intervals. This is of particular benefit for the verification of the process quality and supports the troubleshooting.
  • Wizard for optimization of control circuits:
    The clear and simple controller optimization and the commissioning by means of the PID Self-Tuner can be performed even without any knowledge of control systems.
  • Variable transient response in the case of the continuous PID controller:
    The transient response of the control loop can be preselected in such a way that the control loop settles with an overshoot of approximately 10% and therefore gains dynamic response. If this is not desirable, aperiodic settling (no overshoot) can be set.
  • User-friendly, context-sensitive help:
    At any point in the program the appropriate help is available upon request.
Standard PID Control functions

The controller structure for Standard PID Control is pre-assembled and the data structure is fixed. The following functions can be switched on and off by means of software switches:

  • Setpoint processing with setpoint value generator, ramp-soak, normalization, FC call, limiting of the setpoint ramp (ramp-function generator) and limiting of the setpoint.
  • Actual-value processing with scaling, smoothing, square root, FC call, limit value monitoring and monitoring of the actual-value gradient.
  • Error signal processing with dead band and limit monitoring.
  • PID algorithm, in the case of step controllers with and without position feedback.
  • Manipulated value processing, with manual/automatic switchover, manual value generator, FC call, limiting of the setpoint gradient, setpoint limitation and normalization

Standard function blocks




PID controller with continuous manipulated variable (continuous controller) or pulse output (pulse controller); in addition to the functions in the setpoint and actual-value branch, it implements a complete PID controller with a continuous manipulated variable, which is also made available as a pulse-width-modulated signal; manipulated variable can also be influenced manually, sub-functions can be connected or disconnected


PID controller with binary manipulated variable (step controller); in addition to the functions in the setpoint and actual-value branch, it implements a complete PID controller with a binary manipulated variable for integrating actuators. The step controller can be implemented with or without position feedback; manipulated variable can also be influenced manually, sub-functions can be connected or disconnected


Loop scheduler; controls the calling of individual control loops within the cyclic interrupt level

Modular PID Control functions

The controller structure of Modular PID Control is, on the other hand, fully programmable. The following functions are available:

Standard function blocks





Adaptive dead band

Filters higher-frequency interfering signals out of the error signal


Convert analog input value

Input values in I/O format are converted to floating-point values for Modular PID Control


Convert analog output value

A floating-point value from Modular PID Control is converted into an output value in I/O format


Dead time

Delays an input value by a configurable dead time


Dead band

Differentiates the input variable as a function of the time and smoothes the signal with a first-order delay element


Derivative-action element

Calculates the error signal and monitors it for limits that can be entered


Error signal monitoring

Calculates the error signal and monitors it for limits that can be entered



Integrates an input variable as a function of the time and limits the output to the definable limits


First-order delay element

Implements a first-order delay element


Second-order delay element

Implements a second-order delay element


Limit monitor

Checks an input value for 4 configurable limits



Sets configurable limits for an input variable


Output of continuous-action PID controller

Contains the manipulated variable processing unit for a continuous-action PID controller. It always has to be used in combination with the PID algorithm block.


Output of PID step controller

Contains the manipulated variable processing unit for a step controller for integrating actuators. It is always interconnected with the PID algorithm block.


Controller call distribution function

Controls the calling of individual control loops within a cyclic interrupt level


Non-linear static characteristic

Forms a non-linear characteristic (polyline)


Physical normalization

Scales an input variable. The normalization line is defined by 2 points.


Override control

Required for implementing an override control


Parameter control

Transfers several controller parameter sets to a PID controller


PID algorithm

Provides a PID algorithm and must always be used in conjunction with LMNGEN_C or LMNGEN_S


Pulse shaper

Generates the pulse output for PID controllers with pulse output for proportional actuators


Ramp soak

Performs configured/programmed ramp soak curves


Ramp or ramp-function generator

Limits the rate of change of an input variable. Step jump functions become ramp functions.


Linear scaling

Scales an input variable. The normalization line is defined by factor and offset.


Setpoint generator

Changes the output value continuously by means of pushbuttons


Split ranging

Required for implementing a split-range control


Analog value switch

Switches one of 2 input values to one of 2 output values

Application examples of PID Professional

Application example



Standard PID CTRL: Step controller


Standard PID CTRL: Continuous-action controller


Standard PID CTRL: Cascade controller


Standard PID CTRL: Pulse controller


Standard PID CTRL: Optimize the continuous-action controller with the PID Self-Tuner


Standard PID CTRL: Optimize the step controller with the PID Self-Tuner


Standard PID CTRL: Optimize the pulse controller with the PID Self-Tuner


Modular PID CTRL: Step controller


Modular PID CTRL: Continuous-action controller


Modular PID CTRL: Pulse controller


Modular PID CTRL: Single-loop ratio controller


Modular PID CTRL: Mixture controller


Modular PID CTRL: Controller with feedforward control


Modular PID CTRL: Range selection controller


Modular PID CTRL: Alternating controller


Modular PID CTRL: Optimize the continuous-action controller with the PID Self-Tuner


Modular PID CTRL: Optimize the step controller with the PID Self-Tuner


Modular PID CTRL: Optimize the pulse controller with the PID Self-Tuner

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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  (4872) 700-366