официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2018
(4872) 700-366

The compact installation unit comprises a base plate and a top plate, a thrust pad with a flat gasket and a pendulum support. A very flexible grounding cable between the top and base plate conducts any fault currents past the load cell. The top plate is connected to the base plate by means of two countersunk head screws. On both sides of the base and top plate there are threaded holes for the later flange-fitting of guide elements.

The top plate is fixed above the base plate by means of two countersunk head screws. This results in a single unit that is easily handled. The top plate must be precisely aligned above the base plate. The height of the top plate is set so that it is 2 millimeters (for the 60 ... 280 kg version) or 3 millimeters (for the 0.5 ... 13 metric ton versions) above the installation height with load cell.

In this state the compact installation unit serves as an installation aid and can be used as a dummy for lighter installation jobs.

The load cell, together with the pendulum support and the thrust pad, can be inserted into the compact installation unit. Load cell and thrust pad are secured with clamping washers.

The load cell can be inserted in the scale before installing the compact installation unit. In the same way, it is possible to insert the load cell after installation in the compact installation unit.

The fixing holes of the compact installation unit are 6 mm wider in diameter than the necessary fixing screws. This means that a greater tolerance error is permissible in the connection measurements. The compact installation unit is clamped tightly using the washers supplied.

After the compact installation units have been mounted in the scales, the load bearing element is ideally aligned. The load cells are not yet loaded. Finally, the load bearing implement is lowered by loosening the hexagonal bolts under the top plate. The weight now rests on the load cells.

In this state the load cell and the compact installation unit together form a self-centering bearing unit. The compact installation unit allows the top plate (and thus the load bearing implement) to be displaced up to two millimeters (for the 60 ... 280 kg version) or three millimeters (for the 0.5 ... 13 metric ton versions) to the side in all directions. The countersunk head screws prevent the load bearing element from being lifted off or tipping up. The countersunk head screws secure the load bearing element against sharp lateral movement on the occurrence of sporadic transverse forces.

By using the compact installation unit as an installation aid, the load cells are optimally aligned. This is absolutely essential for the best utilization of the load cells in terms of accuracy. In the event of maintenance or a fault, the load cell can be released again by undoing the hexagonal nuts. After loosening the clamping washers, the cell can then easily be replaced.

Guide elements are used if the lateral movement of a load bearing element is to be prevented. The lateral movements can be initiated by agitator start-up in a container, by braking or accelerating forces in a roller conveyor or though forces exerted by the wind on outdoor silos.

A guide element consists of two flanges and one clamping screw. The clamping screw is adjusted to the correct length. The guide element is attached to the operational compact installation unit. A guide unit can be mounted on the front or rear of the compact installation unit. If necessary, two guide elements can be used in parallel in order to double the transferrable lateral force.

In the case of scales with four load cells, only three compact installation units may be equipped with guide units.

Shims are used to compensate for angular errors in the lugs. If more than three load cells are used, the shims are also used to adjust the height of the lugs.

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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