официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2018
(4872) 700-366

The SIMATIC RF180C/RF182C and RFID 181EIP communication modules consist of a basic module and a connection block that must be ordered separately.

The connection block is available in three versions:

  • M12, 7/8" (5-pole):
    PROFINET/Ethernet is connected by means of an M12 connector, the power supply is connected by means of a 5-pole 7/8" connector. There are 2 connections each for PROFINET/Ethernet as well as for the power supply. This ensures that the SIMATIC RF180C/RF182C can be connected to additional bus nodes without the need for external distributors. The removable connection block allows a base module to be replaced without interrupting the supply voltage to other bus stations.
  • Push-pull connector (according to IEC 61918):
    PROFINET/Ethernet and the power supply are connected by means of a push-pull connector. There are 2 connections each for PROFINET/Ethernet as well as for the power supply. This ensures that SIMATIC RF180C/RF182C can be connected to additional bus nodes without the need for external distributors. The supply voltage connectors can conduct currents of up to 12 A (1L+ and 2L+). The removable connection block allows a base module to be replaced without interrupting the supply voltage to other bus stations.
  • M12, 7/8" (4-pole; not recommended for RF180C):
    Ethernet is connected by means of an M12 connector, the power supply is connected by means of a 4-pole 7/8" connector. There are 2 connections for Ethernet and one connection is available for the power supply. This connection block can be used in applications where the 5-pole 7/8" connector is already being used for other functions and therefore cannot be used for the power supply.

A pre-assembled reader cable, available in lengths from 2 m to 50 m, is used to connect one or two readers to the communication module. The cable can also be assembled by the customer as required.

The data in the transponder can in principle be accessed by direct addressing using absolute addresses.

Error messages and operating states (transponder in the field, transmission, etc.) are indicated additionally by means of LEDs and simplify commissioning and service.

The SIMATIC RF180C/RF182C and RFID 181EIP communication modules have two reader interfaces from which the readers are also supplied with voltage. In the communication module, the power supply of the readers has an electronic fuse. The maximum permissible current per communication module for the readers is 1 A. It is of no importance here whether the current is drawn by 1 or 2 readers.


The SIMATIC RF180C is designed for use in PROFINET networks. SIMATIC RF180C is integrated in SIMATIC STEP 7 via the GSDML file. The SIMATIC RF180C can then be configured using the device manager of the TIA Portal or another PROFINET tool.

The application accesses the transponder via the FB45 or via blocks from the Ident Library. The transponder is addressed using absolute addresses. For large volumes of data and complex tag operations, the FB45 can process chained commands. The Ident Library is already integrated in the TIA Portal an doffers functions that are very easy to parameterize.

Data is exchanged between SIMATIC RF180C and the application by means of acyclic data records. This ensures that large quantities of data can be transferred from/to SIMATIC RF180C without loading the bus cycle.

Using the "RFID standard profile" setting, the RF180C can be operated directly in a SIMOTION.


The SIMATIC RF182C is designed for use in Ethernet networks based on TCP/IP. The IP address of the SIMATIC RF182C is set using the "Primary Setup Tool". The RF182C is then ready for operation. This tool can be downloaded from

Communication with the SIMATIC RF182C is implemented using XML commands. XML commands have a very simple structure. This makes programming of the RF182C under any operating system very easy. The simple command command set of the RF182C can also be programmed easily in any Ethernet-capable controller.


The communication module RFID 181EIP is designed for use in Ethernet/IP networks. A DHCP server automatically assigns an IP address to the RFID 181EIP. Alternatively, the user can assign issue static IP addresses on the DHCP server. The standard tool for assigning IP addresses is called the BOOTP/DHCP server and is included in the RSLinx software package.

The RFID 181EIP communicates with the reader by means of implicit and explicit messages. Commands and results are transferred with explicit messages. The user sets up the commands directly in the application program. Application examples are available to make getting started easier.

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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