официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2018
(4872) 700-366

Siemens belt scales only measure the vertical component of the applied force. As material moves down the conveyor belt and travels over the belt scale, it exerts a force proportional to the material load through the suspended idler directly to the load cells. The resulting force applied in each load cell is sensed by its strain gauges. When the strain gauges are excited by voltage from the electronic integrator, they produce an electrical signal proportional to belt loading, which is then applied to the integrator.

The vertical movement of the load cells is limited by the positive overload stop incorporated into the design of the belt scale or load cells. The stops protect the load cells from failure in the event of extreme overload forces.

Installation tips

Position the scale

Locate the scale close to the tail section of the conveyor belt where tension is minimal and more consistent. Mount the scale on rigid mountings, away from equipment that may produce measurement disturbing vibrations. Avoid variable tension points, transition points, or slope change. The ideal location is a horizontal, even belt section, but you can achieve good results on slopes if the idlers are properly aligned. If the conveyor curves, locate the scale a proper distance from the tangent points of the curve. For concave curved conveyors, the recommended minimum distance is 12 m (40 ft) from the tangent points of the curve. With convex conveyors, the minimum distance is 6 m (20 ft) on the approach side, and 12 m (40 ft) on the retreat side. Be sure to install the scale a sufficient distance from the infeed section (at least one idler space) so the material has time to settle properly on the belt.

Reduce variable belt tension

With temperature variations, load, and other circumstances, the belt tension will change. To maintain proper tension, a gravity take-up is recommended. This is a weight designed to take up slack on the belt. A gravity take-up should move freely and place consistent tension on the belt. The use of screw take-ups should be limited to conveyors with pulley centers to 18.3 m (60 ft) or less. The amount of weight should conform to the conveyor design specifications.

Align the idlers

Precise idler alignment is essential. At least two idlers on each side of the scale should be aligned with the belt scale; use three or more for high accuracy applications. To check alignment, use wire, string, or fishing line across the top outer edges of the rollers and tighten enough to eliminate sag. Adjust the height of the rollers with shims until they are all even, or at least within ± 0.8 mm (1/32 inch). All of the scale-area idlers should be the same type (size, diameter, style, trough angle, and manufacture) and should be spaced at equal distances. Locate training idlers a minimum of 9 m (30 ft) from the belt scale idler.

Install speed sensors

The speed sensor should be attached to the tail pulley or bend pulley shaft so the connection does not slip. It is important that the speed sensor be properly mounted as described in the Operating Instructions and free of excessive vibration. Whenever possible, mount the speed sensor on a solid face pulley. The use of wing- or beater-type pulleys is not recommended.

Wheel driven speed sensors, that are applied to the return strand of the belt, should be located close to a return idler to ensure a stable drive surface.

Wire the scale

Follow good instrumentation wiring practices to protect the load cell and speed sensor signals from radio frequency interference and induction. Use terminal blocks, shielded cable, and grounded metal conduit for all wiring.

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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