официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2018
(4872) 700-366

IOP‑2 Intelligent Operator Panel

The IOP‑2 is mounted in the door of the cabinet units. It is used to operate and commission the drive system. The IOP‑2 is an extremely user-friendly, powerful operator panel.

The IOP‑2 supports both newcomers and drive experts. Thanks to the membrane keyboard with a central sensor control field, high-contrast color displays, menu-based operation and application wizards, commissioning is easy. A drive can be essentially commissioned without having to use a printed parameter list – as the parameters are displayed in plain text, and explanatory help texts and the parameter filtering function are provided.

Application wizards interactively guide you when commissioning important applications such as pumps and fans. There is a basic commissioning wizard for general commissioning.

The converter can be diagnosed in a user-friendly fashion using the plain text display of faults and alarms. Help texts can be obtained by pressing the INFO button. Up to two process values can be graphically visualized and up to four process values can be numerically visualized on the status screen/display. Process values can also be displayed in technological units.

The IOP‑2 supports standard commissioning of identical drives. For this purpose, a parameter list can be copied from an inverter into the IOP‑2 and downloaded into other drive units of the same type as required. This functionality is available only if a memory card is installed in the Control Unit.

The IOP‑2 is available in the following languages: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, Czech, Polish, Turkish, Finnish, Chinese (simplified).

The operating temperature of the IOP‑2 is 0 to 50 °C (32 to 122 °F).

Communication with higher-level control and customer terminal block

Depending on the selected CU230P‑2 Control Unit, the following interfaces for communication with the higher-level control system are provided:

  • PROFINET, EtherNet/IP (option K96)
  • PROFIBUS (option K97)
  • USS/Modbus RTU/BACnet MS/TP, FLN P1 (option K98)

The Control Unit can be connected to the higher-level control via its digital inputs and outputs.

Open-loop and closed-loop control functions

The converter control contains a high-quality, sensorless vector control with speed and current controls as well as motor and converter protection.

Software and protective functions

The software functions available as standard are described below:

Software and protective functions


Setpoint input

The setpoint can be input both internally and externally. It is applied internally as a fixed setpoint, motorized potentiometer setpoint or jog setpoint and externally via the communications interface or an analog input on the customer terminal block. The internal fixed setpoint and the motorized potentiometer setpoint can be switched over or adjusted using control commands from any interface.

Motor identification

The automatic motor identification function makes commissioning faster and easier and optimizes closed-loop control of the drive.

Ramp-function generator

An advanced ramp-function generator with separately adjustable ramping times, together with adjustable rounding times in the lower and upper speed ranges, allows the drive to be smoothly accelerated and braked. As a consequence, this avoids the drive train from being overloaded and reduces the stress on mechanical components. The down ramps can be parameterized separately for quick stop.

Vdc max controller

The Vdc max controller automatically prevents overvoltages in the DC link if the set down ramp is too short, for example. This may also extend the set ramp-down time.

Kinetic buffering (KIP)

In the event of supply voltage dips, the kinetic energy of the rotating drive is used to buffer the DC link so as to prevent fault trips. The converter remains operational as long as the drive can provide regenerative energy as a result of its motion and the DC link voltage does not drop below the trip threshold. When the line supply recovers within this time, the drive is again accelerated up to its setpoint speed.

Automatic restart 1)

The automatic restart switches the drive on again when the power is restored after a power failure, and ramps up to the current speed setpoint.

Flying restart 1)

The "Flying restart" function allows the converter to be switched to a motor that is still turning.

Technology controller

The technology controllers (in the form of PID controllers) can be used to implement simple closed-loop control functions.

A PID controller controls the motor speed as a process controller for temperature, pressure, air quality or fill levels. Three further PID controllers are freely programmable. The P, I, and D component can be disabled.

Free function blocks

Using the freely programmable function blocks, it is easy to implement logic and arithmetic functions for controlling the SINAMICS G120P Cabinet unit. The blocks can be programmed by means of an operator panel or the STARTER commissioning tool.

IІt detection for motor protection

A motor model stored in the converter software calculates the motor temperature based on the current speed and load. More exact sensing of the temperature, which also takes into account the influence of the ambient temperature, is possible by means of direct temperature sensing using KTY sensors in the motor winding.

Motor temperature evaluation

Motor protection by evaluating a temperature sensor of type KTY, PTC, Pt1000 or bimetal NC contact. When a KTY sensor is connected, the limit values can be set for warning or shutdown. When a PTC thermistor is connected, the system reaction to triggering of the thermistor (alarm or shutdown) can be defined.

Motor blocking protection

A blocked motor is detected and protected against thermal overloading by a fault trip.

Multi-zone control

Closed-loop control of a zone with up to 3 sensors for pressure or temperature, or closed-loop control of two independent zones each with one sensor.

Essential service mode

Special converter operating mode that enhances the availability of the drive system in the event of a fire.

Bypass 2)

When the setpoint is reached or a fault occurs, there is a changeover to mains operation.

Cascade connection 2)

Load-dependent connection and disconnection of a maximum of three additional motors by the converter in order to provide a largely constant output power.

Hibernation mode

Startup or shutdown of the drive when the relevant value drops below an external setpoint or the internal PID controller setpoint

1)Factory setting: not activated (can be parameterized)

2) This function requires an additional external circuit.


Power unit protection


Ground fault monitoring at output end

A ground fault at the output end is detected by a summation current monitor and results in shutdown in grounded systems.

Electronic short-circuit protection at the output end

A short-circuit at the output end (e.g. at the converter output terminals, in the motor cable or in the motor terminal box) is detected and the converter shuts down with "fault".

Thermal overload protection

An alarm is issued first when the overtemperature threshold responds. If the temperature rises further, the unit independently adjusts the pulse frequency or output current so that a reduction in the thermal load is achieved. Once the cause of the fault has been eliminated (e.g. cooling has been improved), the original operating values are automatically resumed.

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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  (4872) 700-366