официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2018
(4872) 700-366

Repair Service Contract 2.0 for machine tools

For the Repair Service Contract 2.0 for machine tools, the following supplementary options are offered. You can get further information on this from your Siemens sales office/regional company.

Flexible RSC start

Commissioning at the end customer's site can be concluded up to 24 months after delivery of the components installed in the machine. If this takes place later, the service period of the RSC will, however, begin no later than 24 months after the earliest delivery date of an installed DF&PD Siemens component.

Early start of the service period

The services of the RSC can be used before commissioning at the end customer's site. Upon conclusion of first commissioning, an additional service period starts at the place of performance that deviates from the final destination. After the Customer has provided the final destination notification the service period begins on-site.

The customer is obligated to communicate the following information in writing to Siemens immediately following first commissioning:

  • Machine number
  • Machine type
  • Machining technology
  • Control system
  • Drive system
  • Number of measuring circuits
  • Data for the OEM application
  • Date of first commissioning
  • Country and complete address of the machine manufacturer and, if applicable, of the dealer and the BOM of the components from Siemens DF&DP that are used, with article numbers and serial numbers

The customer then receives a preliminary RSC certificate, which contains the start of the additional service period and the current place of performance of the machine. After commissioning at the end customer's site is reported, the customer receives the RSC certificate with the final destination information and the end of the service period.

Extension of an RSC

An existing RSC can be extended several times by 6 or 12 months till a maximum RSC term of 60 months is reached. The contract extension must be ordered during the RSC service period. For this, the customer will receive a new RSC certificate.

Data handling

To simplify data handling, information relating to the final destination certificate for SINUMERIK Operate and later products can be stored on the CNC control. The PC tool identSNAPSHOT is needed in order to transfer the data to Siemens. The PC tool can be run directly without installing it on a computer and is available on the Internet at:

The PC tool can also be used to generate final destination certificates for older versions of SINUMERIK CNC and offers various methods for acquiring machine parts lists. The PC tool is also capable of generating machine logbooks in PDF format. The generated data can also be kept with the machine as data backup.

For further information about identSNAPSHOT and handling the parts list of components used, please contact your Siemens sales office or Regional Company.

Contract versions

The framework contract is for machine manufacturers who agree to order one RSC for all machines with Siemens equipment.

The individual contract is for machine manufacturers who order an RSC only for certain machines equipped by Siemens.

OEM service levels

To guarantee repair service for OEM applications, an assessment is necessary based on the OEM service guideline. The assessment grades the OEM application from OEM service levels 0 to 4. A surcharge will be levied for OEM service levels 1 to 4.

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания
Каталог оборудования 2018
Siemens Industry Catalog Drive technology Automation technology Energy Building Technologies Low-Voltage controls and distribution Safety Systems - Safety Integrated Market-specific solutions Automotive industry Biofuels and bioenergy Chemical and petrochemical industries Food, drinks and tobacco industry Machine building Packaging machines Printing presses Textile machines Converting Tire production machines Metal forming technology Glass production machines Handling systems Solar production machines Ceramics and stone processing machines Cranes Plastics Machine Tools SINUMERIK 808 with SINAMICS V60/V70 SINUMERIK 828 with SINAMICS S120 SINUMERIK 840 with SINAMICS S120 Introduction SINUMERIK 840D sl with SINAMICS S120 SINUMERIK CNC control SINUMERIK Operate SINUMERIK Integrate SINAMICS S120 drive system SIMOTICS motors MOTION-CONNECT connection systems Lifecycle Services SINUMERIK Manufacturing Excellence Machine Development Mechatronic Support SIMIT – Simulation platform for virtual commissioning Manufacturing IT services Digitalization Check as a Service Extended Machine Contracts Repair service contract RSC Types of contract for machine tools Productivity Improvement Machine retrofit Spare parts services Siemens Plant Security Services SIDOOR - Automatic door controls for machine tools Sinorix al-deco PLUS - Object protection systems for machine tools Control cabinets Logistics solutions for our customers Training equipment Siemens Automation Cooperates with Education Documentation Engineering software SINUMERIK Partners Certificates of suitability (approvals) Glossary SINUMERIK 840 Glossary SINAMICS S120 drive system List of abbreviations Drive applications Mining and Metals Oil and gas industry Pharmaceutical industry Pulp and paper industry Water / wastewater Electrical wholesale Industry Services Software ... and everything else you need

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  (4872) 700-366