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Каталог СА01 2018
(4872) 700-366


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More information

For technical specifications, seeВ


For the SIRIUS Safety ES Programming and Operating Manual, seeВ


SIRIUS Safety ES is the engineering software for the configuration, startup and diagnostics of the 3RK3 Modular Safety System and the 3SK2 safety relays. The software combines the configuring of the hardware, the parameterization of the safety functions, and the testing and diagnostics of the safety system.

Efficient engineering with three program versions

The SIRIUS Safety ES software program is available in three versions which differ in their user-friendliness, scope of functions and price.





Access through the local interface on the device




Parameter assignment
















Integrated graphics editor




Importing/exporting parameters




Comparison functions




Comfort functions




Terminal designation




Work on sub-diagrams




Standards-compliant printout according to ENВ ISOВ 7200




Downloading parameterization through PROFIBUS




Online diagnostics using PROFIBUS




Creating, importing and exporting macros




вњ“ Function available

-- Function not available

Additional functions

Language selection

The program interface language can be switched during use between German, English and French

Help function

A context-sensitive help function provides useful assistance with questions concerning the use of the program

Consistency check

A consistency check provides clear information about function assignment errors and the user is taken directly to the error when the corresponding message is clicked on. Checks are carried out automatically when a project is saved and during the configuration test, but they can also be initiated manually.


Lists of symbols and cross-references can be issued for effective processing of the project file

Standards-compliant printouts:
The programs of the SIRIUSВ ES software family make machine documentation far easier. They enable parameterization printouts according to ENВ ISOВ 7200. The elements to be printed are easy to select and group as required.

Hardware configuration

The device configuration of the 3RK3 or 3SK2 systems is defined in the configuration dialog. The available modules are simply selected from the clearly laid out hardware catalog and positioned in the workspace. Depending on the device system used (3RK3 or 3SK2), only the permitted devices in each case are shown in the hardware catalog. In the case of the 3RK3, the quantity framework on the AS-iВ bus can moreover be obtained online or configured manually from the AS-iВ library. For each module, it is optionally possible to issue an equipment ID which is shown in the logic diagram for identification of the inputs and outputs.

Definition of the hardware layout

Graphic parameterizing of the safety logic by Drag&Drop

The functionality of the safety logic is laid down with a graphics editor designed for intuitive operation. Safe monitoring functions (EMERGENCY-STOP, non-contact protective devices/light arrays, protective doors, etc.), output functions and logic functions (AND/OR operations, counting functions, time functions, etc.), non-safety-related input/output functions, device status functions and control functions can be dragged from the extensive functions catalog onto the work interface by Drag&Drop. Depending on the version, each function has several input and output connecting points through which the functions can be interconnected by simple mouse clicks. Double-clicking on a function symbol opens the related features dialog window in which all the parameters can be displayed and configured: Scope of the function's inputs and outputs, configuring the channel type (single-/two-channel, NC contact/NO contact), activating cross-circuit detection, defining start options, assigning the hardware inputs and outputs, etc. Of course, each function can be assigned an individual name so that, for example, the position of a safety switch in the plant can be documented.

The safety logic can be divided into several diagrams to enable structured processing of the entire plant. The user can freely position the functions on a practically infinitely large drawing board. Connecting lines are drawn automatically. If there is not enough space, more pages are automatically added to the diagram in horizontal or vertical direction. Connecting lines extending over several pages are automatically cross-referenced during print-out. If required in the interest of clarity, the user can divide a connecting line manually into two segments, whereby the mutual reference is marked by reference arrows. Freely creatable comments can be placed at any point in the diagram for the purpose of further documentation. Every point in the logic diagram can be processed with ease by dragging and zooming. Every project can be saved as a file and be protected from unauthorized access with a password.

Processing the safety functions in the graphics editor


Evaluation of the AS-i slaves connected to the AS-i bus is also parameterized using the tried and tested method described above. In order to be able to use the AS-i functionalities, a 3RK3В Advanced central unit or 3RK3В ASIsafe central unit (basic/extended) must be used.

User prompting during start up and maintenance

To start up the respective safety system, the created project file is uploaded to the device. There are two ways of doing this:

  • Connect the serial interface (COM) or USB interface of the PC to the device using a special connecting cable
  • Use the DP interface to download the parameterization through any PROFIBUS node.

A password concept with various levels of protection allows for access to the device to be restricted.

After the project is loaded, the user switches the device by means of the software from configuring mode to test mode in which the safety functions are tested.

Activating the diagnostics shows the status of the individual functions in the graphic logic diagram by means of different colors and symbols. In addition, the signal status of each input and output can be manually overwritten ("forcing").

If the test is completed successfully, the user releases the configuration and switches the device to safety mode, in which case "forcing" is automatically deactivated.

Service personnel can activate the graphic diagnostics in safety mode as well. The I&M (Identification & Maintenance) data saved in the device facilitates maintenance.

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания
Каталог оборудования 2018
Siemens Industry Catalog Drive technology Automation technology Automation systems Operator control and monitoring systems SIMATIC HMI Identification systems Industrial communication Industrial controls Industrial Communication AS-Interface Introduction ASIsafe F-CM AS-i Safety ST for SIMATIC ET 200SP SIRIUS 3RK3 modular safety system 3RK31 central units 3RK32, 3RK33 expansion modules 3RK35 interface modules Accessories Software SIRIUS Safety ES AS-Interface safety monitors AS-Interface safety modules SIRIUS 3SF1 mechanical safety switches for AS-Interface SIRIUS ACT pushbuttons and indicator lights SIRIUS AS-Interface EMERGENCY-STOP Pushbuttons AS-Interface F Adapters for EMERGENCY-STOP Control Devices Masters Routers Slaves Power supply units and data decoupling modules Transmission media System components and accessories Diagnostics Software IO-Link Switching devices Protection Equipment Load feeders and motor starters Monitoring and control devices Safety Technology Position and Safety Switches Commanding and signaling devices Parameterization, Configuration and Visualization with SIRIUS SITOP power supply SIRIUS non-stabilized power supplies Transformers Filters Reactors Industry software PC-based Automation Process control systems Process instrumentation Process analytics SITOP power supply Products for specific requirements Energy Building Technologies Low-Voltage controls and distribution Safety Systems - Safety Integrated Market-specific solutions Industry Services Software ... and everything else you need

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  (4872) 700-366