официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2018
(4872) 700-366


Цена на сайте указана розничная в ЕВРО без учета НДС.
Для уточнения цены и размера предоставляемой скидки - звоните или присылайте заявки

Заказной номерВесPGОписание продуктаЦена

Цена на сайте указана розничная в ЕВРО без учета НДС.
Для уточнения цены и размера предоставляемой скидки - звоните или присылайте заявки

Заказной номерPGОписание продуктаЦена
3RT1966-5AB3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S10 for vacuum contactor 3RT126 AC/DC operation, 23 - 26 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1966-5AD3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S10 for vacuum contactor 3RT126 AC/DC operation, 42 - 48 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1966-5AF3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S10 for vacuum contactor 3RT126 AC/DC operation, 110 - 127 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1966-5AM3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S10 for vacuum contactor 3RT126 AC/DC operation, 200 - 220 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1966-5AP3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S10 for vacuum contactor 3RT126 AC/DC operation, 220 - 240 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1966-5AR3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S10 for vacuum contactor 3RT126 AC/DC operation, 440 - 480V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1966-5AS3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S10 for vacuum contactor 3RT126 AC/DC operation, 500 - 550 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1966-5AT3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S10 for vacuum contactor 3RT126 AC/DC operation, 575 - 600 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1966-5AU3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S10 for vacuum contactor 3RT126 AC/DC operation, 240 - 277 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1966-5AV3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S10 for vacuum contactor 3RT126 AC/DC operation, 380 - 420 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1966-5NB3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S10 for vacuum contactor 3RT126 AC/DC operation, 21 - 27 UC, 3 V, Drive: electronic with PLC interface 24 V DC screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1966-5NF3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S10 for vacuum contactor 3RT126 AC/DC operation, 96 - 127V UC, Drive: electronic with PLC interface 24 V DC screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1966-5NP3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S10 for vacuum contactor 3RT126 AC/DC operation, 200 - 277 V UC, Drive: electronic with PLC interface 24 V DC screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5AB3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 23 - 26 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5AB3241BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 23 - 26 V UC, Drive: conventional spring-type connection systemПо запросу
3RT1975-5AD3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 42 - 48 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5AD3241BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 42 - 48 V UC, Drive: conventional spring-type connection systemПо запросу
3RT1975-5AF3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 110 - 127 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5AF3241BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 110 - 127 V UC, spring-type connection systemПо запросу
3RT1975-5AM3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 200 - 220 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5AM3241BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 200 - 220 V UC, Drive: conventional spring-type connection systemПо запросу
3RT1975-5AP3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 220 - 240 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5AP3241BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 220 - 240 V UC, Drive: conventional spring-type connection systemПо запросу
3RT1975-5AR3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 440 - 480 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5AR3241BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 440 - 480 V UC, Drive: conventional spring-type connection systemПо запросу
3RT1975-5AS3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 500 - 550 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5AS3241BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 500 - 550 V UC, Drive: conventional spring-type connection systemПо запросу
3RT1975-5AT3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 575 ... 600 V UC Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5AT3241BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 575 ... 600 V UC Drive: conventional spring-type connection systemПо запросу
3RT1975-5AU3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 240 - 277 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5AU3241BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 240 - 277 V UC, Drive: conventional spring-type connection systemПо запросу
3RT1975-5AV3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 380 - 420 V UC, Drive: conventional screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5AV3241BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 380 - 420 V UC, Drive: conventional spring-type connection systemПо запросу
3RT1975-5NB3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 21 - 27 UC, 3 V, Drive: electronic with PLC interface 24 V DC screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5NB3241BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 21 - 27 UC, 3 V, Drive: electronic with PLC interface 24 V DC spring-type connection systemПо запросу
3RT1975-5NF3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 96 - 127 V UC, Drive: electronic with PLC interface 24 V DC screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5NF3241BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 96 - 127 V UC, Drive: electronic with PLC interface 24 V DC spring-type connection systemПо запросу
3RT1975-5NP3141BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 200 - 277 V UC, Drive: electronic with PLC interface 24 V DC screw terminalПо запросу
3RT1975-5NP3241BWithdrawable coil for Size S12 for contactor 3RT107 / 3RT127 / 3RT147, AC/DC operation 200 - 277 V UC, Drive: electronic with PLC interface 24 V DC spring-type connection systemПо запросу

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания
Каталог оборудования 2018
Siemens Industry Catalog Drive technology Automation technology Automation systems Operator control and monitoring systems SIMATIC HMI Identification systems Industrial communication Industrial controls Industrial Communication Switching devices Contactors and contactor assemblies Power contactors for switching motors Reversing contactor assemblies Contactor assemblies for star-delta (wye-delta) starting Contactors for special applications Contactor relays Coupling relays Accessories and spare parts For SIRIUS 3RT2 contactors and SIRIUS 3RH2 contactor relays for SIRIUS 3RT1 contactors and 3RH1 contactor relays for 3TF, 3TK, 3TC contactors and 3TH (miniature) contactor relays for SIRUS 3RT12 and 3TF6 vacuum contactors 3RT12 vacuum contactors Auxiliary switch blocks Surge suppressors Other Solenoid coils Vacuum tubes for 3TF6 vacuum contactors Soft starters and solid-state switching devices Protection Equipment Load feeders and motor starters Monitoring and control devices Safety Technology Position and Safety Switches Commanding and signaling devices Parameterization, Configuration and Visualization with SIRIUS SITOP power supply SIRIUS non-stabilized power supplies Transformers Filters Reactors Industry software PC-based Automation Process control systems Process instrumentation Process analytics SITOP power supply Products for specific requirements Energy Building Technologies Low-Voltage controls and distribution Safety Systems - Safety Integrated Market-specific solutions Industry Services Software ... and everything else you need

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  (4872) 700-366