Вводные фидерные панели для автоматических выкоючателей до 1800 A, включая базовую рамку, предустановленную, IP54
The incoming-feeder panels are built up from two enclosures of size 4 and one enclosure of size 3. The complete combination is mounted on a free-standing frame that can be attached at the side to 8HP frames.
Busbars 1000 A, 3 x (2 x 30 x 10) and 2 x (1 x 30 x 10) (N, PE) and a PE/N jumper as well as 8HP1 728 extension terminals and 2 8HP1 703 busbar holders for connecting to the distribution units that can be mounted on the right and left.
The 3WN switch – with 3WX3 door sealing frame – must be ordered separately and can only be installed at the installation site.
The terminal bars running towards the front each have 8 drilled holes (13 mm in diameter) for connecting conductors with cable lugs. On the busbars that lead to the switch
- 8HP1 613 = Cu 60 mm x 10 mm
- 8HP1 614 = Cu 80 mm x 10 mm
current transformers can be mounted.
Via two 8HP1 520 cable entry plates, four cables with up to 65 mm external diameter can be fed in directly. If required, additional cable entries can be provided via enclosures built on the sides.
The incoming-feeder panel represents a transport unit to which the distribution transport units can be flanged at the installation site. Delivery time is approximately 4 weeks.