официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2018
(4872) 700-366

SINAMICS DC MASTER Cabinet, size CC (shown with options)

The basic version of the standard cabinet system is ready to connect up and, based on the TS8 cabinet system from Rittal, offers standard components such as:

  • Line connection with input terminals
  • Main switch
  • Commutating reactor
  • Fuses
  • Line contactor or circuit breaker
  • Control voltage transformer
  • Cable and motor protection circuit breaker for auxiliary equipment
  • AOP30 Advanced Operator Panel
  • PROFIBUS connection

All of the auxiliary and supplementary components are supplied from the auxiliary supply (400 V 3 AC) as well as the field circuit and feeders for the DC motor fan.

For straightforward operation and diagnostics, the AOP30 is mounted in the cabinet door, and the detailed documentation, including circuit manual with circuit diagram and terminal diagram, provide a well-founded technical overview of the drive cabinet. In addition to the basic version, a wide range of options allow the drive cabinet to be optimally adapted to the plant or system requirements.


All of the connections are established at the lower part of the cabinet.

Line connection

Line connections for the armature supply (3 AC) and auxiliary power supply (400 V 3 AC) including the field supply.
Optionally, also other line voltages or integrated auxiliary power supply.

Main switch for the armature circuit and auxiliary power supply

For drive cabinets from 15 up to 850 A rated DC current, the armature circuit is switched in using a manually actuated fuse load disconnector and a main contactor; from 950 A the drive cabinets are equipped with an electrically operated circuit breaker.

Cable and semiconductor protection

SITOR semiconductor fuses, type 3NE are used.

Line contactor for armature and field

For drive cabinets with a rated current from 950 A and higher, implemented as circuit breaker. The commutating reactor in the armature and field circuit is designed for the rated current of the unit. If the rated motor current is significantly lower then the rated current of the unit, then on request, a cost-optimized solution can be offered with adapted current carrying capability of the power components.

DC converter including field module

A detailed description of the DC converter can be found in the operating instructions and Catalog D 23.1.

Motor connections

In addition to the motor connections for the field and armature, the basic version also includes the power supply for the motor fan. The setting range of the motor protection circuit breaker must be specified when placing the order.

For drive cabinets for four-quadrant operation up to 850 A, the armature circuit has a DC fuse.

A detailed diagram showing the electrically relevant individual components is provided in the Section, Block diagrams.

Degrees of protection of drive cabinets

Standard EN 60529 addresses the protection of electrical equipment using housings, covers or equivalent, and includes:

  • Protection of persons against accidental contact with live or moving parts within the housing and protection of the equipment against the ingress of solid foreign matter (touch protection and protection against ingress of solid foreign bodies)
  • Protection of the equipment against the ingress of water (water protection)
  • Abbreviations for the internationally agreed degrees of protection

The degrees of protection are specified by abbreviations, which comprise the code letters IP and two digits.

Degrees of protection of the converter drive cabinet

First digit
(touch protection and protection against ingress of foreign solid matter)

Second digit
(protection of the equipment against the ingress of water)



Protected against solid foreign matter, diameter ≥ 12.5 mm

No water protection

Basic version


Protected against solid foreign matter, diameter ≥ 12.5 mm

Protected against drip water

Vertically falling drip water shall not have a harmful effect.

Option M21


Protected against solid foreign matter, diameter ≥ 12.5 mm

Protected against water spray

Water sprayed at an angle of max. 60° to the vertical planes shall not have a harmful effect.

Option M23


Protected against solid foreign matter, diameter ≥ 1 mm

Protected against water spray

Water sprayed at an angle of max. 60° to the vertical planes shall not have a harmful effect.

Option M43


Protected against dust

Ingress of dust is not totally prevented, but dust must not be allowed to enter in such quantities that the functioning or safety of the equipment is impaired.

Protected against splash water

Water splashing onto the enclosure from any direction shall not have a harmful effect.

Option M54 with filter elements and option M58 with climate control equipment

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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