îôèöèàëüíûé ïàðòíåð Ñèìåíñ
Êàòàëîã ÑÀ01 2018
(4872) 700-366

SINAMICS G120P is a modular converter system comprising the following components.

  • CU230P‑2 Control Unit
  • Power Module
  • Operator panel or blanking cover
CU230P‑2 Control Unit

The converter communication interface is defined when selecting the Control Unit (FW V4.5 and higher).

  • CU230P‑2 HVAC → USS, Modbus RTU, BACnet MS/TP, FLN P1
  • CU230P‑2 DP → PROFIBUS
  • CU230P‑2 PN → PROFINET, EtherNet/IP

The CU230P-2 Control Unit controls and monitors the Power Module and the connected motor using several different closed-loop control modes that can be selected. It supports communication to a local or central controller as well as to the monitoring equipment, and allows all process-related auxiliary equipment and external components to be connected (sensors, valves, contactors, etc.).

Power Modules

The Power Module is selected depending on the power requirement and the application. State-of-the-art IGBT technology with pulse-width modulation is used for reliable and flexible motor operation. Comprehensive protection functions provide a high degree of protection for the Power Module and the motor.

Power Modules for use in building technology for heating, air conditioning and ventilation applications

The Power Modules in degree of protection IP20 are intended for installation in a control cabinet:

  • PM230 with integrated filter class A, 0.37 kW to 75 kW
  • PM230 without integrated line filter, 0.37 kW to 75 kW
  • PM230 with integrated filter class A, Push Through variant, 3 kW to 18.5 kW
  • PM230 without integrated line filter, Push Through variant, 3 kW to 18.5 kW

The Power Modules in degree of protection IP55 can be erected as distributed units outside a control cabinet.

  • PM230 with integrated filter class A, degree of protection IP55, 0.37 kW to 90 kW
  • PM230 with integrated filter class B, degree of protection IP55, 0.37 kW to 90 kW

Power Modules for use in the water/wastewater sector as well as in industrial applications

The Power Modules in degree of protection IP20 are intended for installation in a control cabinet:

Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC

  • PM240P-2 with integrated filter class A, 22 kW to 132 kW
  • PM240P-2 without integrated line filter, 22 kW and 132 kW
  • PM330 without integrated line filter, 160 kW to 560 kW

Line voltage 500 V to 690 V 3 AC

  • PM240P-2 with integrated filter class A, 11 kW to 132 kW
  • PM240P-2 without integrated line filter, 11 kW and 132 kW
  • PM330 without integrated line filter, 315 kW to 630 kW

SINAMICS G120P Cabinet

SINAMICS G120P units rated for outputs of 75 kW and higher are also available in the control cabinet version SINAMICS G120P Cabinet for line voltages of 380 V to 480 V 3 AC and 500 V to 690 V 3 AC.

  • SINAMICS G120P Cabinet, degrees of protection IP20/IP21/IP23/IP43/IP54, 75 kW to 630 kW, with and without line filter
Operator panel or blanking cover
  • IOP‑2 Intelligent Operator Panel, degree of protection IP55
    The IOP‑2 supports entry-level personnel as well as drive experts. Thanks to the color display, menu-based operation and the application wizards, it is easy to commission, diagnose and locally control standard drives. Optionally available wizards 1) interactively guide users through the commissioning process.
  • Basic Operator Panel BOP‑2, degree of protection IP55
    The menu prompting and the 2-line display allow for the fast and user-friendly commissioning of the converter. Simultaneous display of the parameter and parameter value, as well as parameter filtering, means that basic commissioning of a drive can also be performed without a printed parameter list.
  • Blanking cover, degree of protection IP55
    The blanking cover is mounted on the Power Module in place of an operator panel, provided that an operator panel is not required.

The operator panel supports user-friendly local commissioning, control and diagnostics and enables complete converter data sets to be pre-parameterized and cloned.

Note for PM230 Power Modules, degree of protection IP55:
It is essential to plug on an operator panel or the blanking cover in order to achieve degree of protection IP55.

Line-side power components

The following line-side power components are available for the SINAMICS G120P converters:

  • Line filters for PM230 and PM330 Power Modules and SINAMICS G120P Cabinet
    With an additional line filter, the Power Module complies with a higher radio interference class.
  • Line reactors for PM330 Power Modules and SINAMICS G120P Cabinet
    Line reactors smooth the current drawn by the converter and thus reduce harmonic components in the line current. Through the reduction of the current harmonics, the thermal load on the power components in the rectifier and in the DC-link capacitors is reduced as well as the harmonic effects on the supply. The use of a line reactor increases the service life of the converter.
    SINAMICS G120P Cabinet units feature a cabinet-integrated line-side reactor as standard.

A line reactor must not be used in combination with a PM230 Power Module.

Recommended line-side power components

This section contains recommendations for additional line-side components, such as fuses and circuit breakers (line-side components must be dimensioned in accordance with IEC standards).

Additional information about the listed fuses and circuit breakers is available in Catalogs LV 10, IC 10 and IC 10 AO.

DC link components

The following DC link components are available for the SINAMICS G120P converters:

  • Braking Module for PM330 Power Modules and SINAMICS G120P Cabinet
    A Braking Module and the matching braking resistor are required to achieve controlled braking of a drive. The Braking Module houses the power electronics and the associated control circuit.
  • Braking resistors for PM330 Power Modules and SINAMICS G120P Cabinet
    Excess energy in the DC link is dissipated via the braking resistor.
Load-side power components

Various load-side power components are available for the SINAMICS G120P converters. These allow the use of longer shielded motor cables and increase the motor service life:

  • Output reactors
    Output reactors reduce the rate of voltage rise (dv/dt) and the height of the current peaks, and enable longer motor cables to be connected.
  • Sine-wave filters for PM230 Power Modules
    Sine-wave filters limit the rate of voltage rise (dv/dt) and the peak voltages on the motor winding. Similar to an output reactor, they enable the connection of longer motor cables.
  • dv/dt filters plus VPL for PM240P-2 and PM330 Power Modules
    dv/dt filters plus VPL (Voltage Peak Limiter) limit the voltage rate-of-rise dv/dt to values <500 V/μs and the typical voltage peaks to values according to the limit value curve as per IEC/TS 60034‑17: 2006.
    Standard motors with standard insulation and without insulated bearings can be used for converter operation if a dv/dt filter plus VPL is used.
  • dv/dt filters compact plus VPL for PM330 Power Modules and SINAMICS G120P Cabinet
    dv/dt filters compact plus VPL (Voltage Peak Limiter) limit the voltage rate-of-rise dv/dt to values of <1600 V/μs and the typical voltage peaks to values according to the limit value curve A to IEC 60034‑25: 2007.
    Standard motors with standard insulation and without insulated bearings can be used for converter operation if a dv/dt filter compact plus VPL is used.
Optional accessories
  • Line-side cable connection, left, for PM330 Power Modules
  • Push Through mounting frame for PM230 Power Modules
  • SINAMICS memory card (SD card)
  • PC inverter connection kit 2
  • Shield connection kits for CU230P‑2 Control Units (for PM230 and PM240P-2 Power Modules)
  • Shield connection kits and shield plates for PM230 and PM240P-2 Power Modules
Spare parts
  • Spare parts kit for Control Units
  • Shield connection kits for PM240P-2 Power Modules
  • Shield plates for PM230 Power Modules
  • Mounting set for PM230 Power Modules
  • Terminal Cover Kit for PM230 Power Modules
  • Fan units and replacement fans

1) More information is available on the Internet at

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  © ÎÎÎ "ÑÊ ÝÍÅÐÃÎ" 2007-2022
  (4872) 700-366