официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2016
(4872) 700-366

Inspection options
F71 to F73 and F80 to F85
Inspections for converters

Endurance run test bays up to 270 kW in Siemens Ruhstorf factory

In general, every converter that leaves the factory is subjected to a routine test under load conditions. The converter is therefore preparameterized. This assures the high quality standards of every SINAMICS G180 converter. Options F71 to F73 and F80 to F85 also allow further tests to be performed, also with the customer present.

Options for inspections mutually exclude each other.

Inspections for converters


Routine test under no-load conditions with the customer present










Routine test with 1PS or 1MD motor (ordered with converter in package), under no-load conditions (without customer present)










Routine test with 1PS or 1MD motor (ordered with converter in package), under no-load conditions with customer present










Visual inspection and function test under rated load using test bay motor (without customer present)










Visual inspection and function test under rated load using test bay motor with customer present










Visual inspection and function test under rated load with 1PS or 1MD motor (ordered with converter in package) (without customer present)










Visual inspection and function test under rated load with 1PS or 1MD motor (ordered with converter in package) with customer present










Advanced visual inspection and function test under rated load with 1PS or 1MD motor (ordered with converter in package) (without customer present)










Advanced visual inspection and function test under rated load with 1PS or 1MD motor (ordered with converter in package) with customer present










Option description










  • Check of the mechanical system and the touch protection
  • Check for completeness
  • Check of equipment (components)
  • Check of cables
  • Check of customer documentation
  • Check of power supply
  • Check of fans
  • Check of equipment identifier
  • Precharging test
  • Function check of the converter control
  • Function check of protective and monitoring devices (simulation)
  • Function check of the customized control










Measurement of shaft voltage, vibration and audible noises at no load on the motor










Measurement of the output of the converter (efficiency, power factor)










Measurement of the output at the motor (efficiency, power factor)










Harmonic analysis of line and motor current at the test bay motor










Warm-up at the drive's rated operating point










Temperature measurement on the converter










Temperature measurement on the motor










Temperature measurement on LOHER 1PS or 1MD motor










Special tests under full-load conditions:

  • Single-phase interruption of the motor infeed
  • Single-phase interruption of the converter infeed
  • Ground fault at converter output










Special tests in no-load operation:

  • Two-phase short-circuit at the motor terminals










Submission of the inspection report










With customer present










If the layout of the test bay permits, for an additional charge the test can be performed using a transformer or with the original motor of another manufacturer which has been provided by the customer.

The scope of the test following inspection F72 or F73 corresponds to the routine test for oil & gas projects according to DEP (Design and Engineering Practice), Feb. 2012, Section 15.2.

The scope of the test following inspection F84 or F85 corresponds to the performance test for oil & gas projects according to DEP (Design and Engineering Practice), Feb. 2012, Section 15.1.

We can offer further tests on request that are not included in the respective inspections at an additional charge. It is important to note that if the scope of the tests change, the prices for the individual inspections can change significantly, which is why we request prior consultation with the factory.

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания
Каталог оборудования 2016
Каталог продуктов Siemens Industry Приводная техника Преобразователи Стандартные преобразователи Общая информация о базовых преобразователях SINAMICS V Преобразователи частоты общего назначения SINAMICS G Преобразователи частоты SINAMICS G110 Компактные преобразователи SINAMICS G120C Преобразователи для насосов, вентиляторов,компрессоров SINAMICS G120P Стандартные преобразователи SINAMICS G120 SINAMICS G110M distributed inverters Преобразователь частоты SINAMICS G110D для распределенной периферии Преобразователи частоты SINAMICS G120D Преобразователи SINAMICS G130 формат шасси Преобразователь частоты SINAMICS G150 шкафного исполнения SINAMICS G180 Введение Компактные SINAMICS G180 и шкафные системы SINAMICS G180 Шкафы SINAMICS G180 Описание опций Standard options Inspection options Engineer To Order – ETO Руководство по настройке Обслуживание и документация Высокопроизводительные преобразователи SINAMICS S MICROMASTER SIPLUS POSMO A SIMODRIVE POSMO LOHER DYNAVERT Drive System Преобразователи на среднее напряжение Преобразователи постоянного тока Двигатели переменного тока Мотор-редукторы Flender Gear Units Couplings Инструментальное программное обеспечение Дополнительные компоненты Техника автоматизации Автоматизация и безопасность зданий Низковольтная коммутационная техника Технология безопасности Системные решения и продукты для отраслей Сервис ... и все, что Вам еще необходимо

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  (4872) 700-366