официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2015
(4872) 700-366


The Gasmet CEMS is a fully equipped FTIR analysis system comprising several 19'' rack units:

  • A sampling unit with sample gas pump and controller for the heated sample gas lines,
  • - internally, from the sampling unit to the analyzer (included in the scope of supply)
  • - externally, from the sampling probe to the analysis cabinet (optional)
  • The actual FTIR spectrometry system with gas cuvette
  • An industrial PC as analysis and operator input unit, including keyboard and TFT display

Options for expanding the system include:

  • A sampling probe
  • A heated sample gas line (from the sampling probe to the analysis cabinet)
  • Additional analyzers (maximum 2)
    • ZrO2 oxygen analyzer
    • FIDAMAT 6 for total carbon measurement
Sampling probe

The Gasmet CEMS is supplied as standard without a sampling probe.

A suitable stainless steel (SS 316) probe with DN 65 PN 6 flange that can be heated to 180 °C is recommended as a sampling probe for the Gasmet CEMS. This can be offered separately on request.

Since particles of dust can usually be expected in sample gas, you are strongly recommended to use a sampling probe with a suitable (pre-)filter element and/or backflushing facility, especially with dust concentrations > 2 g/m3.

The sample gas temperature should usually not exceed 600 °C; the sample gas pressure must be between 400 and 6 000 hPa.

For performance-tested applications, a sampling probe matched to the Gasmet CEMS must be used (e.g. M&C SP2000H or comparable). This can be offered separately on request.

Heated sample gas line

The Gasmet CEMS is supplied as standard with heated sample gas lines between the sampling unit in the Gasmet CEMS analysis cabinet and the FTIR analyzer.

Further internal sample gas lines to the optional ZrO2 and/or FID analyzers can be ordered additionally.

The external sample gas line from the sampling probe to the sampling unit in the analysis cabinet of the Gasmet CEMS is not included in the standard scope of delivery of the system.

All heated sample gas lines (external and internal) are regulated to 180 °C in the temperature controller integrated into the Gasmet CEMS sampling unit.

The external sample gas line can be heated as required and must therefore be designed for approx. 200 °C. It must have a power consumption of 120 VA per meter, and it must use K-type temperature sensors (Ni-Cr-Ni). The length of the heated line must not exceed 30 m.

Lengths greater than 30 m can be provided on special request, or they can be implemented via an additional temperature control unit.

For the external, heated sample gas line, a replaceable inner lining made from PTFE with a 4 mm inner diameter and 6 mm outer diameter is recommended. The connections must be Swagelok 6 mm. For steric reasons, the outer diameter of the sample gas line including preassembly on the side of the connection to the Gasmet CEMS sampling unit must be less than 43 mm.

Gasmet CEMS sampling unit

The sampling unit is designed for hot-extractive sampling of wet, corrosive gas streams, and is integrated into the Gasmet CEMS as a 19" rack unit.

It encompasses all valves, flow meters, sample gas pumps and filters required for the measuring task. The temperature of all parts coming into contact with the sample gas (pumps, filters and lines) is stabilized to 180 ?C.

The sample gas does not have to be diluted and does not have to be dried beforehand either. The gas flow and the pressure of the instrument air supply can be monitored via the Gasmet CEMS sampling unit by means of an alarm.

The sampling unit is connected to the control PC and is controlled using the Calcmet software, like the FTIR and the other (optional) analyzers.

Gasmet CEMS sampling unit with removed filter insert

Rear with connections of the Gasmet CEMS sampling unit

Analysis cabinet

The analysis cabinet of the Gasmet CEMS contains all the essential components in the form of 19'' rack units, including cabling and tubing:

  • The Gasmet CEMS sampling unit
  • The Gasmet CEMS FTIR spectrometry module with gas cuvette
  • An industrial PC, including TFT display and keyboard, for controlling the analysis systems and for processing data
  • An optional oxygen analyzer
  • An additional, optional FIDAMAT 6 analyzer

The external dimensions of the analysis cabinet with socket, including the air-conditioning unit mounted on the rear door, are: 2 100 x 600 x (800 + 250) mm (H x W x D).

Hose and cable inlets are possible from the top, below, left and right.

At the installation location, sufficient space must be provided to the front, the right and the rear of the analysis cabinet to allow opening of the front and rear doors, and facilitate access to the rear door. The air-conditioning unit mounted on the rear also requires sufficient space for air circulation.

To be able to pull out the 19'' rack units to the front on the telescopic extensions, the electrical cables and sample gas lines in the cabinet must be sufficiently long and flexible. The same applies to the lines to the CEMS analysis cabinet if it has to be moved on optional rollers for service and maintenance purposes, for example.

Minimum space requirements for a Gasmet CEMS for facilitating installation and maintenance work

External panels and doors

The side panels and the rear door of the Gasmet CEMS analysis cabinet are designed in steel plate, and the front door in glass.


The analysis cabinet of the Gasmet CEMS is offered optionally on a plinth or four rollers (two with immobilizing brakes).

Air-conditioning unit

To prevent overheating of the electronic components inside the cabinet, the analysis cabinet is supplied as standard with an air-conditioning unit. The air-conditioning unit is attached to the rear door and has a cooling capacity of 1 100 W.

Condensation removal

The Gasmet CEMS analysis system is offered as standard with a plastic tube for removal and disposal of condensation by the customer.

Power supply

The system can be designed either for three phases 115 V AC at 60 Hz, 32 A or 400 V AC, or three phases 230 V AC at 50 Hz, 16 A.

Three phases, neutral and ground must always be provided by the customer.

Analog signal processing

The analog signals are connected as single wires on isolating terminals as standard.


The analysis cabinet is prepared for accommodating one to three analyzers with hot sample feed. As well as the standard Gasmet CEMS FTIR spectrometry unit, the system can also be supplemented with a ZrO2 oxygen analyzer, as well as a FIDAMAT 6. Different measured components and measuring ranges are available for selection. Other combinations of measured components and measuring ranges are available on request, but you must check that the desired certificates and approvals are available. The analyzers, measured components and measuring ranges used are described briefly below.

GASMET FTIR spectrometer

For measuring 16 infrared active components as standard. A calibrated measuring range is stored as standard per gas component. Further calibrated measuring ranges per gas component are available upon request for an additional charge.


Smallest measuring range

Typical measuring range

Maximum measuring range




0 ... 25

0 ... 25

0 ... 40


Carbon dioxide


0 ... 10

0 ... 20

0 ... 30


Carbon monoxide


0 ... 70

0 ... 500

0 ... 10 000


Nitrous oxide


0 ... 50

0 ... 100

0 ... 500


Nitrogen monoxide


0 ... 100*

0 ... 200

0 ... 2 000


Nitrogen dioxide


0 ... 100

0 ... 200

0 ... 500


Sulfur dioxide


0 ... 30*

0 ... 100

0 ... 2 000




0 ... 20*

0 ... 50

0 ... 500


Hydrogen chloride


0 ... 10*

0 ... 50

0 ... 500


Hydrogen fluoride


0 ... 17*

0 ... 50

0 ... 100




0 ... 50

0 ... 100

0 ... 1 000






0 ... 100


Ethylene (ethene)




0 ... 100






0 ... 100






0 ... 100






0 ... 50


Total carbon
(via FTIR measurement)

Ctotal, or THC, TOC

0 ... 15

0 ... 40

0 ... 40


Nitrogen oxide
(via FTIR measurement)


Calculated from N2O, NO and NO2

* Smallest measuring range only possible at maximum 30 vol.% water concentration

** Dependent on the application

Standard components and measuring ranges Gasmet CEMS

Gasmet CEMS FTIR rack unit, front and rear

ZrO2 oxygen analyzer


Typical measuring range




0 … 25



Electrical and gas connections of the ZrO2 analyzer


The FIDAMAT 6 is used for FID-based measurement of the total carbon content (Ctotal, THC, TOC value).


Typical measuring range


Total carbon

Ctotal, or THC, TOC

0 ... 40 



You can find details of the optional FIDAMAT 6 analyzer in the "Continuous gas analyzers, extractive" chapter of this catalog.


Performance-tested measuring ranges*)

Additional performance-tested measuring ranges*)



Range 1*)

Range 2*)




0 ... 30

0 ... 40



Carbon dioxide


0 ... 25



Carbon monoxide


0 ... 75

0 ... 300

0 ... 1500


Nitrous oxide


0 ... 100

0 ... 500



Nitrogen monoxide


0 ... 200

0 ... 600

0 ... 2000


Nitrogen dioxide


0 ... 200

0 ... 500



Sulfur dioxide


0 ... 75

0 ... 300

0 ... 1500




0 ... 15

0 ... 50



Hydrogen chloride


0 ... 15

0 ... 90





0 ... 25



Total carbon


0 ... 15



Hydrogen fluoride


0 ... 3

0 ... 10



* A calibrated measuring range is stored in the software of a Gasmet CEMS per measured component as standard. Additional suitability-tested measuring range available, either alternatively or for an additional charge.

1) Using an optionally available, performance-tested ZrO2 oxygen analyzer

2) Using an optionally available, performance-tested FID analyzer

3) For performance-tested applications, the following must be checked for each case:

  • a) Only HF has to be measured in harmony with European Directive 2000/76/EU and 2001/80/EU.
    => QAL1 Certificate available
  • b) HF must be measured with only one FTIR spectrometer unit simultaneously with one or more other performance-tested IR-sensitive gas components.
    => No QAL1 certificate formally available for HF, but FTIR unit can be configured on request in such a way that the extended measuring uncertainties as required by European Directive 2000/76/EU and 2001/80/EU are observed with regard to HF measurement. A manufacturer declaration in this regard and calculation of the extended measuring uncertainties can be offered on request.
    => Possibly lower-cost solution compared to the use of 2 FTIR spectrometer units (see c)), if accepted by authority/test institute.
  • c) HF and one or more of the other above-listed IR-sensitive gas components are measured with two FTIR spectrometer units.
    => QAL1 certificate available

Performance-tested measuring ranges of the Gasmet CEMS analysis system

Other combinations of measured components and measuring ranges are available on request, as well as other sample gas components. In this case, you must check that the desired certificates and approvals are available.

Control and analysis unit

An industrial PC with Windows operating system and RAID hard drives is used in the Gasmet CEMS analysis system for controlling the sampling unit and the analyzers, as well as for data analysis and forwarding of the analysis data to the process control system. The GASMET Calcmet software is used as the control and analysis software.

Operator interface of the Calcmet software of the Gasmet CEMS analysis system

The standard configuration enables control and monitoring of the analyzers via the serial interface, watchdog support, as well as remote monitoring and maintenance options for the service and maintenance personnel.

Siemens provides automation and drive products with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants or machines. They are an important component in a holistic industrial security concept. With this in mind, our products undergo continuous development. We therefore recommend that you keep yourself informed with respect to our product updates. Please find further information and newsletters on this subject at:

To ensure the secure operation of a plant or machine it is also necessary to take suitable preventive action (e.g. cell protection concept) and to integrate the automation and drive components into a state-of-the-art holistic industrial security concept for the entire plant or machine. Any third-party products that may be in use must also be taken into account. Please find further information at:

Zero gas and calibration gas supply

The Gasmet CEMS analysis system is equipped as standard with two solenoid valves for the automatic infeed of zero gas and calibration gas.

Either nitrogen (quality: at least 5.0) or purified instrument air is used as the zero gas for the FTIR analyzer, which must be fed in at a pressure of 2 000 hPa.

The span gas must contain one or more of the gas components to monitored, depending on requirements and/or official regulations. The span gas must also be fed in at a pressure of approx. 2 000 hPa.

Instrument air supply

The FTIR interferometer of the Gasmet CEMS is purged continuously with instrument air at an even flow rate of approx. 0.5 l/min.

All internal gas routes of the Gasmet CEMS upstream of the FTIR spectrometer must be kept free of all contamination using clean purge gas before switching on the analyzer with sample gas infeed, or in good time before switching off temperature stabilization of the sample gas lines and the analyzer. This prevents condensation of sample gas components, airborne pollutants, and atmospheric humidity, and/or the accumulation of particles inside the FTIR spectrometer. This prevents irreversible damage to the internal gas cuvette.

Either nitrogen (quality: at least 5.0) or completely oil-free and particle-free instrument air is used as the purge gas.

To enable a "safety purge" of the internal gas routes in particular, the instrument air must always be available at a pressure of approx. 6 bar.

Options/expansions (on request)
  • Second/further calibrated measuring range(s) per sample gas component
  • Expansion set with solenoid valves for automatic span gas infeed of up to four further span gases
  • Instrument air/combustion air processing
  • Calibration unit for the recommended annual test with wet gases to adjust the H2O, NH3, HCl and HF calibration (can be made available on loan within the scope of a service contract)

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания
Каталог оборудования 2015
Каталог продуктов Siemens Industry Приводная техника Техника автоматизации Системы автоматизации Системы визуализации SIMATIC HMI Системы идентификации Промышленные коммуникации SIMATIC NET Промышленные аппараты управления SIRIUS Промышленные информационные технологии Управление на базе РС Системы управления процессом Датчики Контрольно-измерительные приборы Анализаторы процесса Непрерывные анализаторы газов Промышленные газовые хроматографы Analytical Application Sets Introduction Continuous emission monitoring Set CEM CERT Set CEM 1 Gasmet CEMS Gasmet CEMS HM-1400 TRX total mercury analyzer system Dust and opacity measurement Volume flow measurement D-ISC 100 display and control unit Environmental and process data management system Biogas analysis Continuous monitoring of hydrogen-cooled generators Determination of natural gas quality Analyzer System Manager General information Технологии взвешивания Блоки питания Продукты для специальных требований Автоматизация и безопасность зданий Низковольтная коммутационная техника Технология безопасности Системные решения и продукты для отраслей Сервис ... и все, что Вам еще необходимо

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