Standard motors from Siemens offer the user numerous advantages:
- The motors are approved and certified for worldwide use and meet high quality standards (confirmed, for example, by CSA 1), UL 2), EXAM 3), PTB 4), CQC 5))
- The ruggedness and lack of complexity of the components guarantee an extremely long service life
- Complete product spectrum for energy-saving motors in accordance with IEC 60034-30
- Extremely easy selection of energy-saving motors due to the efficiency classification (IE1/IE2/IE3)
- Reduction in operating costs thanks to high degrees of efficiency with IE2/IE3
- Higher motor service life thanks to lower winding temperature in IE2/IE3 motors with rated load and supply
- Reduced environmental impact due to CO2 reduction
- High overload reserves under continuous duty (SF 1.15 for motor series 1LA9/1LG6)
- Suitable for universal applications worldwide
- Standard motors with increased output and extremely compact construction
- Shorter delivery times with Express motors
- The module mounting concept supports rapid modification by the customer
- A fast and comprehensive service is provided by factories and modification partners distributed throughout the world
1) Canadian Standard Association
2) Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
3) EXAM BBG Prüf und Zertifier GmbH (previously BVS = Bergbau Versuchsstrecke)
4) Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
5) China Quality Certification