официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2012
(4872) 700-366
Commissioning via W-LAN
Commissioning – Now you can do it yourself

In every GAMMA instabus project, the devices are commissioned once they have been installed. First you need to assign the physical addresses. To do this, select the device in the ETS3 (KNX commissioning software) on your notebook and press the programming pushbutton on the device. In the case of distributed devices, such as flush mounting bus coupling units, this means: a lot of running around. One reason why these commissioning tasks are usually carried out in pairs.

But now you no longer have to go to all this trouble. Simply wirelessly connect your notebook to the KNX over W-LAN. And now you are free to roam during the commissioning process - simply take your notebook with you, wherever it's needed. It really couldn't be any quicker or easier. And there is no risk of errors, such as mixing up the devices due to ambiguous calling.

The solution

The benefits
  • Wireless GAMMA instabus commissioning over W-LAN
  • Freedom of movement within the building
  • Single-person commissioning

Proceed as follows

Connect the IP interface to the KNX, connect the W-LAN router to the IP interface using the Ethernet cable – and you're off - free to roam the entire building with your notebook and the ETS.

You require the following
  • N 148/22 IP interface (5WG1 148-1AB22)
  • 24 V power supply for N 148/221 IP interface
    (e.g. 4AC2 402 Power over Ethernet, unchoked bus voltage)
  • Ethernet
  • W-LAN router
  • W-LAN-capable notebook
  • ETS3 (current


W-LAN stands for Wireless Local Area Network, which is a network for transferring data. W-LANs are quick and easy to install, cover large areas and operate cost-effectively.

Каталог оборудования 2012
Каталог продуктов Siemens Industry Приводная техника Техника автоматизации Автоматизация зданий Аппаратура модульного исполнения BETA Распределительные шкафы ALPHA Устройства защиты Выключатели и разъединители нагрузки Коммутационные устройства Источники питания Система сборных шин SR60 Измерительные устройства и E-счетчики Мониторы Клеммы Электроустановочное оборудование DELTA Системы автоматизации зданий с instabus EIB Instabus Отображение информации, Управление Устройства вывода Устройства ввода Комбинированные устройства Устройства специального применения Шлюзы, Конверторы интерфейса Сенсорные устройства Устройства контроля и автоматизации Системные устройства Системные аксессуары Счетчики Examples for Applications Commissioning via Ethernet (LAN) Commissioning via W-LAN Line Coupling via Ethernet (LAN) Remote Access via Internet (DSL) Visualization via Ethernet (LAN) Remote Access to Several Locations Supervizing Locations via Ethernet (LAN) Fault Indications via Ethernet (LAN) Switch/Dimming Actuators control DALI Lightning Remote Control via Radio Control with Radio System - EnOcean Technical Information wave Radio System - EnOcean Flexcon Программное обеспечение Измерительные приборы BETA Система сборных шин SR60 Устройства защиты от перенапряжений и молниезащита Низковольтная коммутационная техника Технология безопасности Системные решения и продукты для отраслей Сервис ... и все, что Вам еще необходимо

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