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(4872) 700-366
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EMC filter, Class A

Filter for inverters without an internal filter for

  • 200 V to 240 V 3 AC, frame sizes A and B
  • 380 V to 480 V 3 AC, frame size A

All other inverters can be supplied with an internal Class A filter.

The requirements are fulfilled using shielded cables with a max. length of 25В m.

EMC filter, Class B

Filter for inverters without an internal filter for

  • 200 V to 240 V 3 AC, frame sizes A and B
  • 380 V to 480 V 3 AC, frame size A

With this filter, the inverter complies with the emission standard EN 55 011, Class B for conducted interference emissions.

The requirements are fulfilled using shielded cables with a max. length of 25В m.

Additional EMC filter, ClassВ B

Available for inverters with an internal Class A EMC filter.

With this filter, the inverter complies with the emission standard EN 55 011, Class B for conducted interference emissions.

The requirements are fulfilled using shielded cables with a max. length of 25В m.

Filter Class B with low leakage currents

EMC filter for 200 V to 240 V 1 AC inverters, frame sizes A and B, without an internal Class A EMC filter.

With this filter, the inverter complies with the emission standard EN 55 011, Class B for conducted interference emissions. The leakage currents are reВ­duced to <В 3.5В mA.

The requirements are fulfilled using shielded cables with a max. length of 5В m.

Leakage currents:

The leakage currents of the inverters with/without filter (internal/external) may exceed 30В mA. Typical values in practice are between 10В mA and 50В mA. The exact values depend on the design, environment and cable lengths. Interference-free operation with residual current operated devices with a trigger value of 30В mA cannot be guaranteed.
However, operation with residual current circuit breakers with a trigger value of 300В mA is possible. Please refer to the Instruction Manual for details.

LC filter

The LC filter limits the rate of rise of voltage and the capacitive charge/discharge currents which usually occur with inverter operation. This means that much longer shielded motor cables are possible when using LC filters and the service life of the motor achieves values similar to those with direct mains operation. Use of an output choke isn't required with that.

Please note when using LCВ filters:

  • Only V/f, FCC control permissible
  • Please observe the derating of 15 % when selecting the appropriate inverter
  • Operation only permissible with 4 kHz pulse frequency
  • The output frequency is limited to 150 Hz
  • Operation and commissioning only with connected motor as theВ LC filter is not idling-proof!В 

The LC filters can be used for all MICROMASTER 420 inverters of frame sizes A to C.

Line commutating choke

Line commutating chokes are used to smooth voltage peaks or to bridge commutatВ­ing dips. In addition, line comВ­mutating chokes reduce the effects of harmonics on the inВ­verter and the power supply. If the line impedance is < 1В %, a line commutating choke must be used in order to reduce the current peaks.

In line with EN 61 000-3-2 reg­ulations "Limits for harmonic currents with device input current ≤ 16 A per phase", there are special aspects for drives with 250 W to 550 W and 230 V single-phase supplies which can be used in non-industrial applications (1st envi­ronment).

For devices with 250В W and 370В W, it is necessary either to fit the recommended input chokes or to apply to the power utility company for authoriВ­zation to connect the devices to the public power supply.

No limits are currently defined in the EN 61 000-3-2 standard for professionally used devices with a connected load > 1 kW which means that the inverters with an output power  ≥ 0.75 kW comply with the EN 61 000-3-2 standard.

However, in accordance with the regulations of EN 61000-3-12 "Limits for harmonic currents > 16 A and ≤ 75 A per phase" an approval is necessary from the power supplier for drives that are intended to be connected to the public low-voltage network. Please refer to the Operating Instructions for the values of the harmonic currents.

Output choke

Output chokes can be supplied for reducing the capacitive currents and dV/dt in the case of motor cables >В 50В m (shielded) or >В 100В m (unshielded). For max. permissible cable lengths, see Technical Data.

Gland plate

The gland plate facilitates the shield connection of power and control cables and ensures optimum EMC performance.

Selection and ordering data

The options listed here (filters, chokes, gland plates, fuses, and circuit‑breakers) must be selected to match the corresponding inverter type. The inverter and the associated options have the same voltage ratings. Either fuses or circuit‑breakers may be used as listed in MICROMASTER Getting Started. Fuses type 3NA and circuit‑breakers type 3RV provide short circuit protection to the inverter supply. Fuses type 3NE1 provide short circuit protection to the inverter supply and are semiconductor protection devices.

Notes for use in America: filters, chokes and gland plates are UL‑listed accessories. FS A‑C inverters require UL‑listed fuses e.g. Class J or semiconductor fuses type 3NE1 (UL recognized UR). Type E motor controller (type 3RV) may also be used.

For further information about the use in Europe and America please refer to the MICROMASTERВ GettingВ Started

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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  (4872) 700-366