официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2017
(4872) 700-366

SINAMICS G120P and G120P Cabinet pump, fan, compressor converters

The following electronic configuring guides and engineering tools are available for SINAMICS G120P inverters:

SinaSave energy efficiency tool

Use SinaSave to calculate potential energy savings

The web-based tool SinaSave can be used to estimate the potential savings which can be achieved over the entire lifecycle, e.g. for pump and fan applications, thanks to SINAMICS. The tool takes into consideration all important plant-specific quantities, such as the power and load data of the application, the relevant control mode and the operation profile for the application in question. The result delivered by the tool specifies the potential enery savings which can be achieved with the specific application in conjunction with the Integrated Drive System or the drive component. The tool also provides a monetary evaluation of the potential savings and estimates the payback period.

Drive Technology Configurator (DT Configurator)

Drive Technology Configurator (DT Configurator) within the CA 01

The interactive catalog CA 01 – the offline Industry Mall of Siemens on DVD?ROM – contains over 100,000 products with approximately 5 million possible drive system product variants. The Drive Technology Configurator (DT Configurator) has been developed to facilitate selection of the correct motor and/or inverter from the wide spectrum of drives. It is integrated in Catalog CA 01 as an add-on on DVD?ROM.

Online DT Configurator

In addition, the DT Configurator can be used on the Internet without requiring any installation. The DT Configurator can be found in the Siemens Industry Mall at the following address:

SIZER for Siemens Drives engineering tool

Configuring made simple and systematic

The SIZER for Siemens Drives engineering tool is used to configure low-voltage drive systems: Using the application as the prime reference, this tool provides step-by-step support in defining the mechanical system and designing inverters, motors and gear units. It also helps the user to configure other system components and to design open-loop and closed-loop control functions. In addition to engineering results such as characteristics, technical specifications and installation and dimensional drawings, SIZER for Siemens Drives also provides calculations pertaining to performance and load-dependent power requirements.

SIZER WEB ENGINEERING engineering tool

Drive engineering – flexible, customized and user-friendly

A solution for a drive task can be identified quickly with the web-based tool: menu-prompted workflows guide the user through the technical selection and dimensioning of products and drive systems, including the accessories.

Based on an integrated inquiry functionality, SIZER WEB ENGINEERING also offers you special customized solutions for applications which cannot be addressed using "Standard Products"; i.e. the focus is on flexibility and customized solutions.

Comprehensive documentation, such as data sheets, startup calculations, dimensional drawings, offer documentation and a lot more are integrated in the tool. The result: Customized solutions for any drive task.

The product groups supported are:

  • High-voltage motors
  • Low-voltage motors
  • Medium-voltage converters
  • Low-voltage inverters
  • DC converters

The tool can also be used to design the following drive systems:

  • Medium-voltage systems
  • Low-voltage systems
    • Basic single-axis applications for pumps, fans, and compressors
    • Complex applications (on condition that: SIZER for Siemens Drives is installed)
STARTER commissioning tool

Commissioning and diagnostics – intelligent and easy

The STARTER commissioning tool allows menu-prompted commissioning, optimization and diagnostics. Apart from the SINAMICS drives, STARTER is also suitable for MICROMASTER 4 devices.

SINAMICS Startdrive commissioning tool

SINAMICS engineering in the TIA Portal

SINAMICS Startdrive is a tool for configuring, commissioning, and diagnosing the SINAMICS family of drives and is integrated into the TIA Portal. SINAMICS Startdrive can be used to implement drive tasks with the SINAMICS G120, SINAMICS G120C, SINAMICS G110M, SINAMICS G120D and SINAMICS G120P inverter series. The commissioning tool has been optimized with regard to user friendliness and consistent use of the TIA Portal benefits of a common working environment for PLC, HMI and drives.

Drive ES engineering system

Drive ES is the engineering system that can be used to integrate the communication, configuration and data management functions of Siemens drive technology into the SIMATIC automation world easily, efficiently and cost-effectively. Two software packages are available for SINAMICS – Drive ES Basic and Drive ES PCS 7.

You can find further information about the Drive ES engineering system in the chapter Engineering tools.

Additional information about the Drive ES engineering system is available on the Internet at

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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