официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2015
(4872) 700-366

SIMOTICS FD motor series

A wide range of requirements are placed on state-of-the-art, high-output, low-voltage motors. They should be energy efficient, able to be flexibly used, quiet in operation and optimally adapted to the converter, for example. All of these requirements are fulfilled by the SIMOTICS FD series of motors, which have been specifically developed for this purpose. As a result of their flexibility and the wide range of versions available, SIMOTICS FD motors are suitable for all industries.

Versions of the SIMOTICS FD motor series

1LM1 motors

The motors are squirrel-cage induction motors with compact dimensions in a surface-cooled, enclosed version with self-ventilation. They have been specifically designed for converter-fed operation.


For frame size 355 and rated speeds of 3000 rpm and above, a shaft-mounted unidirectional fan is used.

1LM1 for converter-fed operation

  • Converter-fed operation, optimally harmonized to the SINAMICS drive system
  • Maximum A-weighted sound pressure level at rated speed is 79 dB(A) under no-load operation
  • IP54/IP55 degree of protection
  • Cooling method IC411, self-ventilated
  • Housing: cast-iron

1LQ1 motors

The motors are squirrel-cage induction motors with compact dimensions in a surface-cooled, enclosed version with forced-air cooling. These motors can be operated with constant torque, also significantly below the rated speed, thanks to the forced-air cooling. They have been specifically designed for converter-fed operation.

1LQ1 for converter-fed operation

  • Converter-fed operation, optimally harmonized to the SINAMICS drive system
  • Maximum A-weighted sound pressure level at rated speed is 79 dB(A) or 85 dB(A) under no-load operation
  • IP54/IP55 degree of protection
  • Cooling method IC416, forced-air cooling
  • Housing: cast-iron

1LL1 motors

The motors are squirrel-cage induction motors with compact dimensions in a surface-cooled, open version with self-ventilation. The internal cooling circuit is supplied with cooling air from the outside. This is the reason why the output was able to be increased by approximately 30 % as compared to the 1LM1 motors. They have been specifically designed for converter-fed operation.


For frame size 355 and rated speeds of 3000 rpm and above, a shaft-mounted unidirectional fan is used.

The 1LL1 motors are designed for indoor use. They must not be subjected to humid, salty or corrosive (e.g. hydrogen sulfide) atmospheres.

1LL1 for converter-fed operation

  • Converter-fed operation, optimally harmonized to the SINAMICS drive system
  • Maximum A-weighted sound pressure level at rated speed is 79 dB(A) under no-load operation
  • IP23 degree of protection
  • Cooling method IC01, self-ventilated
  • Housing: cast-iron

1LP1 motors

The motors are squirrel-cage induction motors with compact dimensions in a surface-cooled, open version with forced-air cooling. The internal cooling circuit is supplied with cooling air from the outside. This is the reason why the output was able to be increased by approximately 35 % as compared to the 1LM1 motors. These motors can be operated with constant torque, also significantly below the rated speed, thanks to the forced-air cooling. They have been specifically designed for converter-fed operation.

The 1LP1 motors are designed for indoor use. They must not be subjected to humid, salty or corrosive (e.g. hydrogen sulfide) atmospheres.

1LP1 for converter-fed operation

  • Converter-fed operation, optimally harmonized to the SINAMICS drive system
  • Maximum A-weighted sound pressure level at rated speed is 79 dB(A) or 85 dB(A) under no-load operation
  • IP23 degree of protection
  • Cooling method IC06, forced-air cooling
  • Housing: cast-iron

1LH1 motors

The motors are squirrel-cage induction motors with compact dimensions in an enclosed, water-cooled version. This is the reason why the output was able to be increased by approximately 30 % as compared to the 1LM1 motors. These motors can be operated with constant torque, significantly below the rated speed, as a result of the water cooling. They have been specifically designed for converter-fed operation, and are also available in a version for mains-fed operation.

1LH1 for converter-fed operation

  • Converter-fed operation, optimally harmonized to the SINAMICS drive system
  • Maximum A-weighted sound pressure level at rated speed is 79 dB(A) under no-load operation
  • IP54/IP55 degree of protection
  • Cooling method IC71W, water-cooled
  • Water-jacket cooling with either a copper or stainless steel jacket
  • Housing: cast-iron

1LH1 for mains-fed operation

  • Maximum A-weighted sound pressure level depending on the number of poles 68 to 72 dB(A) under no-load operation
  • IP54/IP55 degree of protection
  • Cooling method IC71W, water-cooled
  • Water-jacket cooling with either a copper or stainless steel jacket
  • Housing: cast-iron

1LN1 motors

The motors are squirrel-cage induction motors with compact dimensions in a surface-cooled, enclosed version with air-towater heat exchanger. A separately driven fan is used to circulate air through the internal cooling circuit. This is the reason why the output was able to be increased by approximately 30 % as compared to the 1LM1 motors. These motors can be operated with constant torque, significantly below the rated speed, as a result of the forced-air cooling with air-to-water heat exchanger. They have been specifically designed for converter-fed operation.

1LN1 for converter-fed operation

  • Converter-fed operation, optimally harmonized to the SINAMICS drive system
  • Maximum A-weighted sound pressure level at rated speed is 79 dB(A) under no-load operation
  • IP54/IP55 degree of protection
  • Cooling method IC86W, air-to-water heat exchanger
  • Housing: cast-iron

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания
Каталог оборудования 2015
Каталог продуктов Siemens Industry Приводная техника Преобразователи Двигатели переменного тока Низковольтные электродвигатели (стандартные промышленные двигатели) Введение Стандартные электродвигатели IEC Нестандартные электродвигатели, размера 315 и выше Ex электродвигатели Двигатели для определенных секторов промышленности Приложения IEC двигатели Рекомендованные и экспресс двигатели SIMOTICS GP двигатели общего назначения SIMOTICS SD Двигатели для тяжелых условий работы SIMOTICS DP Двигатели специального применения SIMOTICS FD Введение Technical Information System Components Self-ventilated motors – enclosed version Forced-air cooled motors – enclosed version Water-cooled motors with water-jacket cooling Water-cooled motors with air-to-water heat exchanger Self-ventilated motors – open version Forced-air cooled motors – open version Explosion-proof motors Article No. supplements and special versions Application-specific motors Нестандартные двигатели SIMOTICS HT Двигатели с большим крутящим моментом SIMOTICS XP Взрывозащищенные двигатели Серводвигатели и двигатели главного движения Высоковольтные двигатели Двигатели постоянного тока Системы измерения Мотор-редукторы Flender Gear Units Couplings Инструментальное программное обеспечение Дополнительные компоненты Техника автоматизации Автоматизация и безопасность зданий Низковольтная коммутационная техника Технология безопасности Системные решения и продукты для отраслей Сервис ... и все, что Вам еще необходимо

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