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The Premium Service Asset Management offered as an add-on for SIMATIC PCS 7 as of V7.0 process control system is split into three complementary modules that can be ordered individually:
Module 1:
Determination of asset management optimization potential through analysis by experts
- One-day workshop for explanation of the Siemens integrated asset management concept, for determining the need for maintenance and the optimization potential
- Participants: Siemens experts and representatives of the client with profound knowledge of the plant technology and asset management.
- Prior agreement of workshop details between client and contractor
- Typical workshop content:
- Presentation of the available asset management blocks
- Stating the requirements for the application of the asset management blocks, e.g. suitable types of apparatus, retrofitting of measurement devices etc.
- Explanation of the block functions, if necessary in connection with a live demonstration
- Presentation of the benefits and limits of asset management blocks
- Presentation of the customer's current maintenance situation (maintenance intervals, failure/wear problems, frequency of plant standstills)
- Basic analysis to determine the optimization potential
- Result: Workshop documentation with qualitative evaluation of the asset management potential and specific recommendations for further actions
Module 2:
Preparation of a feasibility study
- Approx. one week feasibility study for verification and detailing of the potential identified in Module 1: Detailed examination of the assets of the customer plant and recording of the process/apparatus data relevant for the parameterization
- Participants: Siemens experts and representatives of the client
- Prior agreement of content of the feasibility study between client and contractor
- Typical contents of the feasibility study:
- Selection of assets to be monitored
- Checking the conditions for applying the asset management blocks
- Determining the necessary measurement technology
- Recording relevant process/apparatus data in the form of checklists
- Determining the required alarms
- Result: Report on the feasibility study that contains the data on assets to be monitored, necessary commissioning measures and a rough estimate of costs
Module 3:
Implementation of the prepared feasibility study
- Support in commissioning the asset management blocks
- Requirement: Completion of the measures necessary for the commissioning of the asset management blocks from the feasibility study, e.g. retrofitting of measurement points
- Content is the subject of an individual agreement between client and contractor
- Typical service content:
- Calculating the characteristics
- Implementing and parameterizing the blocks
- Analysis of the recorded block operating data
- Training the customer's personnel
- Basis for the individual agreement is a project-specific quotation provided by Siemens as the contractor
- Inquiries for production of a quotation should be directed to the address specified under "Further information"
The modules of the Premium Service "Asset Management" do not include any traveling expenses. Traveling expenses from the Hoechst Industrial Estate, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, will be invoiced separately.