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Каталог СА01 2018
(4872) 700-366


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PM240‑2 Power Modules – 0.55 kW to 132 kW (0.74 hp to 200 hp), IP20 degree of protection

PM240‑2 Power Modules, frame sizes FSA to FSF (with Control Unit and Operator Panel)


PM240‑2 Power Modules, degree of protection IP20, Push Through variant, frame sizes FSA to FSC (with Control Unit and Operator Panel)

The new PM240‑2 Power Modules are based on a new hardware platform. This permits an increase in power density as well as the application of innovative cooling concepts (Push Through technology) with especially high requirements in terms of control cabinet cooling.

Furthermore, the PM240-2 Power Module is also suitable for use in safety-oriented applications. In conjunction with a fail-safe Control Unit, the drive can be transformed into a Safety Integrated Drive (see section Control Units).

The PM240‑2 Power Modules frame sizes FSA to FSC are available both with and without an integrated line filter class A of compact design for 200 V and 400 V line voltages.

The PM240-2 Power Modules with integrated line filter classВ A are suitable for connection to TN supply systems. Power Modules without integrated line filter can be connected to grounded TN/TT systems and non-grounded IT systems.

The permissible cable lengths between inverter and motor are limited (for max. permissible cable lengths, see Integration). Longer cables can be used if output reactors are connected (see section Load-side power components).

Push Through variant

The Push Through variant allows the cooling fins of the Power Module to be pushed through the rear panel of the control cabinet. Push Through variants should be used in applications where the amount of power loss generated inside the control cabinet itself must be minimized.

Shield plates and shield connection kits are available. These can be used in the wiring installation for the Control Units and Power Modules to ensure that it complies with EMC guidelines.
For more information, see Shield connection kits and shield plates for Control Units and Power Modules in section Supplementary system components.

PM240 Power Modules – 160 kW to 250 kW (250 hp to 400 hp), IP20 degree of protection

PM240 Power Modules, frame size FSGX

PM240 Power Modules frame size FSGX optionally have a braking chopper (four-quadrant applications) and are suitable for a large number of applications in general machinery construction.

For Power Modules frame size FSGX, an optional plug-in Braking Module can be ordered (see section DC link components).

The permissible cable lengths between inverter and motor are limited (for max. permissible cable lengths, see Integration). Longer cables can be used if output reactors are connected (see section Load-side power components).

Line reactors are available to minimize line harmonics as well as voltage and current peaks (see section Line-side power components).

The PM240 Power Module is suitable for safety-oriented applications. In conjunction with a fail-safe Control Unit, the drive can be transformed into a Safety Integrated Drive (see section Control Units).

PM240 Power Modules, frame size FSGX (i.e. 160В kW/250 hp and higher) are approved only for the Basic Safety functions (STO, SS1, and SBC).

Power Modules without integrated line filter can be connected to grounded TN/TT systems and non-grounded IT systems.


Shield plates and shield connection kits are available. These can be used in the wiring installation for the Control Units and Power Modules to ensure that it complies with EMC guidelines.
For more information, see Shield connection kits and shield plates for Control Units and Power Modules in section Supplementary system components.

PM250 Power Modules – 7.5 kW to 90 kW (10 hp to 125 hp), IP20 degree of protection

PM250 Power Modules, frame sizes FSC to FSF

PM250 Power Modules are suitable for a large number of applications in general mechanical engineering. Any braking energy is directly fed back into the line supply (four-quadrant applications – a braking chopper is not required).

The PM250 Power Module features an absolutely unique technology – Efficient Infeed Technology. This feature provides the ability to feed energy back into the supply system in the generator mode (electronic braking) so that the energy is not wasted in a braking resistor. This saves space in the control cabinet. The time-consuming process of dimensioning the braking resistor and the expense of the extra wiring are eliminated. Furthermore, heat losses in the control cabinet are reduced.

Additional information is provided in chapter Highlights, section Efficient Infeed Technology.

Further, the innovative circuit design reduces the line harmonics. There is no need to use an optional line reactor at the supply infeed. This saves space and costs for engineering and procurement.

The permissible cable lengths between inverter and motor are limited (for max. permissible cable lengths, see Integration). Longer cables can be used if output reactors are connected (see section Load-side power components).

Frame sizes FSD to FSF of the PM250 Power Modules are available both with as well as without integrated line filter class A.

For frame size FSC of the PM250В Power Module with an integrated line filter classВ A, an additional base filter of class B is available for achieving classВ B (see section "Line-side power components").

The PM250 Power Module is also designed for safety-oriented applications. In conjunction with a fail-safe Control Unit, the drive can be transformed into a Safety Integrated Drive (see section Control Units).

The PM250 Power Modules with integrated line filter classВ A are suitable for connection to TN supply systems. Power Modules without integrated line filter can be connected to grounded TN/TT systems and non-grounded IT systems.


Shield plates and shield connection kits are available. These can be used in the wiring installation for the Control Units and Power Modules to ensure that it complies with EMC guidelines.
For more information, see Shield connection kits and shield plates for Control Units and Power Modules in section Supplementary system components.

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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  (4872) 700-366