официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2017
(4872) 700-366

Converter cabinet units
AOP30 Advanced Operator Panel

An Advanced Operator Panel (AOP30) is installed in the cabinet door of the converter for operation, monitoring and commissioning tasks.

The user is guided by interactive menus through the drive commissioning screens. When the drive is commissioned for the first time, only 6 motor parameters (which can be found on the motor rating plate) have to be entered on the AOP30. The closed-loop control is then optimized automatically to adapt the converter to the motor.

The AOP30's two-stage safety concept prevents unintentional or unauthorized changes to settings. Operation of the drive from the operator panel can be disabled by the keyboard lock and so that only parameter values and process variables can be displayed on the operator panel. The OFF key is factory-set to "active", but can be deactivated by the customer. A password can be used to prevent the unauthorized changing of converter parameters.

German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Chinese are stored on the CU320?2 Control Unit CompactFlash card as operator panel languages. The desired language must be downloaded to the AOP30 prior to commissioning. In addition to these standard operator panel languages, Russian can also be retro-installed. Further languages are available on request.

Examples of plain-text displays during various phases of operation are shown below.

The first commissioning is performed via the operator panel.

Only 6 motor parameters have to be entered: Power, speed, current, cos ?, voltage and frequency of the motor.

This information can be found on the motor rating plate, and must be entered in the screens on the display by following a short, menu-assisted procedure. The motor cooling method must also be specified.

The next screen contains the parameter values that are used to automatically optimize the control.

During operation, the display shows current data, such as setpoints and actual values as absolute values or it is possible to parameterize up to 3 process variables as a quasi-analog bar display.

Any alarms that occur are signaled by flashing of the yellow ALARM LED, faults by the red FAULT LED, which is then lit. There is also an indication of the cause displayed in plain text on the display's status line (with counter/remedial measures).

Communication with higher-level controller and customer terminal block

A PROFIBUS or PROFINET interface on the Control Unit CU320-2 is provided as standard as the customer control interface.

This interface can be used to connect the system to the higher-level controller using analog and digital signals, or to connect additional units.

The inputs and outputs available as standard can be optionally expanded by up to two Terminal Modules TM31 (refer to the description of options, option G60 or G61). To simplify configuration and commissioning of the drive, the TM31 Terminal Module can be preset to a variety of factory settings.

For additional information, please refer to the SINAMICS Low Voltage Engineering Manual.

Open-loop and closed-loop control functions

SINAMICS S150 has a high-dynamic vector control with speed and current control – with and without speed actual value feedback.

Software and protective functions

The software functions available as standard are described below:

Software and protective functions


Setpoint input

The setpoint can be specified both internally and externally; internally as a fixed setpoint, motorized potentiometer setpoint or jog setpoint, externally via the communications interface or an analog input. The internal fixed setpoint and the motorized potentiometer setpoint can be switched or adjusted via control commands from any interface.

Motor identification

The automatic motor identification function makes commissioning faster and easier and optimizes closed-loop control of the drive.

Ramp-function generator

A user-friendly ramp-function generator with separately adjustable ramp-up and ramp-down times, together with adjustable rounding times in the lower and upper speed ranges, allows the drive to be smoothly accelerated and braked. This results in a good speed control response and plays its role in reducing the stress on the mechanical system. The down ramps can be parameterized separately for quick stop.

Vdc max controller

The Vdc max controller automatically prevents overvoltages in the DC link, if the set down ramp is too short, for example. This may also extend the set ramp-down time.

Kinetic buffering (KIP)

For brief line supply failures, the kinetic energy of the rotating drive is used to buffer the DC link and therefore prevents fault trips. The drive converter remains operational as long as the drive can provide regenerative energy as a result of its motion and the DC link voltage does not drop below the shutdown threshold. When the line supply recovers within this time, the drive is again bumplessly accelerated up to its setpoint speed.

Automatic restart

The automatic restart switches the drive on again when the power is restored after a power failure, and ramps up to the current speed setpoint.

Flying restart

The flying restart function allows the converter to be switched to a motor that is still turning. With the voltage sensing capability provided by the optional VSM10, the flying restart time for large induction motors can be significantly reduced because the motor does not need to be de-magnetized.

Technology controller

The technology controller function module allows simple control functions to be implemented, e.g. level control or volumetric flow control and complex tension controls. The existing D component can act both on the system deviation well as on the actual value (factory setting). The P, I, and D components are set separately.

Free function blocks

Using the freely programmable function blocks, it is easy to implement logic and arithmetic functions for controlling the SINAMICS drive. The blocks can be programmed at the operator panel or the STARTER commissioning tool.


SINAMICS DCC is an additional tool for the easy configuration of technological functions for SINAMICS. The block library contains a large selection of control, arithmetic and logic blocks as well as extensive open-loop and closed-loop control functions. The user-friendly DCC editor enables easy graphics-based configuration, allows control loop structures to be clearly represented and provides a high degree of reusability of charts that have already been created. SINAMICS DCC is an add-on to the STARTER commissioning tool (> Tools and Engineering).

I2t sensing for motor protection

A motor model stored in the converter software calculates the motor temperature based on the current speed and load. More exact measurement of the temperature, which also takes into account the influence of the ambient temperature, is possible by means of direct temperature measurement using KTY84 sensors in the motor winding.

Motor temperature evaluation

Motor protection by evaluating a KTY84, PTC or Pt100 temperature sensor. When a KTY84 temperature sensor is connected, the limit values can be set for alarm or shutdown. When a PTC thermistor is connected, the system reaction to triggering of the thermistor (alarm or trip) can be defined.

Motor blocking protection

A blocked motor is detected and protected against thermal overloading by a fault trip.

Brake control

"Simple brake control" for control of holding brakes:
The holding brake is used to secure drives against unwanted motion when deactivated.

"Extended brake control" function module for complex brake control, e.g. for motor holding brakes and operational brakes:
When braking with a feedback signal, the brake control reacts to the feedback signal contacts of the brake.

Write protection

Write protection to prevent unintentional changing of the setting parameters (without password function).

Know-how protection

Know-how protection for encrypting stored data, e.g. to protect configuration know-how, and to protect against changes and duplication (with password function).

Web server

The integrated web server provides information about the drive unit via its web pages. The web server is accessed using an Internet browser via unsecured (http) or secured transmission (https).

Power unit protection

Power unit protection


Ground fault monitoring at the output

A ground fault at the output is detected by a total current monitor and results in shutdown in grounded systems.

Electronic short-circuit protection at the output

A short-circuit at the output (e.g. at the converter output terminals, in the motor cable or in the motor terminal box) is detected and the converter shuts down with a "fault".

Thermal overload protection

An alarm is issued first when the overtemperature threshold responds. If the temperature continues to rise, the unit either shuts down or independently adjusts the pulse frequency or output current so that thermal load is reduced. Once the cause of the fault has been eliminated (e.g. cooling has been improved), the original operating values are automatically resumed.

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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