официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2017
(4872) 700-366


Further information

  • about PROFIBUS DP/MPI cables and MOTION-CONNECT can be found in Section "Connection system MOTION-CONNECT".
  • about PROFIBUS DP, Industrial Ethernet and PROFINET can be found in Catalog IK PI and the Industry Mall under "Automation Systems/Industrial Communication".
  • about the ordering data for SINAMICS drive components such as Power Modules, DRIVE?CLiQ cables, etc. can be found in Section "SINAMICS S120 drive system" and the Industry Mall under "Drive Technology/AC Converters/...".
Integrated drive control

The drive control functions integrated in a SIMOTION D410 are based on the drive control of a SINAMICS S120 CU310 (firmware version 2.x), although there is a slight difference in functionality. For example, the SIMOTION D410 does not have a basic positioner function (EPos), since this is already covered by SIMOTION technology functions.

For more information, refer to Section "System description – Dimensioning" and the documentation for SIMOTION and SINAMICS.

Licensing notes

SIMOTION D410 is the SIMOTION D variant for single-axis applications and already contains the motion control technology functions for one real axis (speed control, positioning, synchronous operation, cam). An additional license is therefore not needed for this purpose. It is not possible to increase the number of axes using licenses. Apart from one real axis, further virtual axes can be configured.

Licensed runtime functions such as SIMOTION IT Virtual Machine require licenses which can be ordered pre-installed on a CompactFlash Card (CF) or individually.

For more information, refer to section "Ordering of licenses for runtime software".

SIZER configuration tool

With the SIZER configuration tool, you can easily configure the SINAMICS S110 and S120 drive families including SIMOTION. It provides you with support for selecting and dimensioning the components for a Motion Control task. You can also determine the possible number of axes and the resulting load with SIZER in accordance with your performance requirements.

For more information about SIZER, refer to Section "System description – Dimensioning".

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания
Каталог оборудования 2017
Siemens Industry Catalog Drive Technology Automation Technology Automation Systems Operator control and monitoring systems SIMATIC HMI Identification systems Industrial Communication Introduction Industrial Ethernet PROFINET Introduction Drive Systems Controller SIMATIC PCS 7 process control systems Distributed I/O Motion Control Systems The SIMOTION system Hardware platforms SIMOTION C - Controller-based SIMOTION P - PC-based SIMOTION D - Drive-based Summary SIMOTION D410 Control Units SIMOTION D410-2 Control Units SIMOTION D4x5 Control Units SIMOTION D4x5-2 Control Units CBE30 Communication Board CNC Controls Operator panels Industrial PC Switching and Protection Devices for Power Distribution Power Monitoring SENTRON Measuring Devices Configuring, Visualizing and Controlling with SIMATIC Configuring, Visualizing and Controlling with SENTRON Industrial Identification Systems Network Components Industrial Controls SITOP power supplies Software and Tools Network management and diagnostics Technology Components PROFIBUS AS-Interface IO-Link Industrial Wireless Communication Industrial Remote Communication Industrial Security Industrial Controls Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) SIMATIC IT PC-based Automation Process control systems Process instrumentation Process analytics SITOP power supplies Products for specific requirements Energy Building Technologies Low-Voltage Controls and Distribution Safety Systems - Safety Integrated Market-specific solutions Industry Services ... and everything else you need

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  (4872) 700-366