официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2016
(4872) 700-366

Overview of cycles SINUMERIK 840D sl

Overview of cycles - couplings

Coupled-motion axes TRAIL

Basic scope

CYCLE700 generic coupling: TRAILON

CYCLE701 generic coupling: TRAILOF

Synchronous spindle/multi-edge turning COUP replaced by
> Generic coupling

Shell cycle for program compatibility with

CYCLE704 generic coupling: COUPDEF

CYCLE705 generic coupling: COUPON

CYCLE706 generic coupling: COUPONC

CYCLE707 generic coupling: COUPOF

CYCLE708 generic coupling: COUPOFS

CYCLE709 generic coupling: COUPDEL

CYCLE710 generic coupling: COUPRES

Master value coupling and curve table interpolation LEAD replaced by
> Generic coupling

Shell cycle for program compatibility with

CYCLE702 generic coupling: LEADON

CYCLE703 generic coupling: LEADOF

Electronic gear function EG replaced by
> Generic coupling

Shell cycle for program compatibility with

CYCLE711 generic coupling: EGDEF

CYCLE712 generic coupling: EGON

CYCLE713 generic coupling: EGONSYN

CYCLE714 generic coupling: EGONSYNE

CYCLE715 generic coupling: EGOFC

CYCLE716 generic coupling: EGOFS

CYCLE717 generic coupling: EGDEL

Generic coupling CP Standard

Basic scope

CYCLE700 generic coupling: TRAILON

CYCLE701 generic coupling: TRAILOF

Generic coupling CP Static


CYCLE700 generic coupling: TRAILON

CYCLE701 generic coupling: TRAILOF

Generic coupling CP Basic


CYCLE702 generic coupling: LEADON

CYCLE703 generic coupling: LEADOF

CYCLE704 generic coupling: COUPDEF

CYCLE705 generic coupling: COUPON

CYCLE706 generic coupling: COUPONC

CYCLE707 generic coupling: COUPOF

CYCLE708 generic coupling: COUPOFS

CYCLE709 generic coupling: COUPDEL

CYCLE710 generic coupling: COUPRES

Generic coupling CP Comfort


CYCLE700 generic coupling: TRAILON

CYCLE701 generic coupling: TRAILOF

Generic coupling CP Expert


CYCLE702 generic coupling: LEADON

CYCLE703 generic coupling: LEADOF

CYCLE704 generic coupling: COUPDEF

CYCLE705 generic coupling: COUPON

CYCLE706 generic coupling: COUPONC

CYCLE707 generic coupling: COUPOF

CYCLE708 generic coupling: COUPOFS

CYCLE709 generic coupling: COUPDEL

CYCLE710 generic coupling: COUPRES

CYCLE711 generic coupling: EGDEF

CYCLE712 generic coupling: EGON

CYCLE713 generic coupling: EGONSYN

CYCLE714 generic coupling: EGONSYNE

CYCLE715 generic coupling: EGOFC

CYCLE716 generic coupling: EGOFS

CYCLE717 generic coupling: EGDEL

Overview of cycles - interpolation, measurement

Advanced Surface


CYCLE832 high speed settings

Measuring cycles


CYCLE961 milling measurement: Corner - right-angled corner/any corner

CYCLE973 turning measurement: Calibrate probe - length/radius at surface/radius in slot

CYCLE974 turning measurement: Inner/outer diameter

CYCLE976 milling measurement: Calibrate probe - length/radius in ring/radius at edge/calibrate on sphere

CYCLE977 milling measurement: Hole/rectangular pocket

CYCLE977 milling measurement: Edge distance - groove/web

CYCLE977 milling measurement: Circular/rectangular spigot

CYCLE978 milling measurement: Edge distance - set edge

CYCLE979 milling measurement: Hole/inner circle segment

CYCLE979 milling measurement: Spigot/outer circle segment

CYCLE982 turning measurement: Measure tools (turning tools, milling cutters, drills)

CYCLE982 turning measurement: Measure tools - Calibrate tool probe

CYCLE994 turning measurement: Inner/outer diameter

CYCLE998 milling measurement: Measure 3D - align plane

CYCLE998 milling measurement: Edge distance - align edge

CYCLE971 milling measurement: Measure tools

CYCLE971 milling measurement: Measure tools - Calibrate tool probe

CYCLE997 milling measurement: Measure 3D - 1 sphere/3 spheres

Measure kinematics


CYCLE996 milling measurement: Measure 3D - Measure kinematics

Overview of cycles - programming language

Online ISO dialect Interpreter

Basic scope

CYCLE301 ISO internal subprogram: Data conversion inch/metric

CYCLE305 ISO high-precision contour control (G05)

CYCLE308 ISO-M look-ahead control (G08)

CYCLE3106 ISO lift rapid (G10.6)

CYCLE322 ISO working area limitation set (G22)

CYCLE323 ISO working area limitation cancel (G23)

CYCLE328 ISO first reference point return (G28/G27/G30.1)

CYCLE330 ISO 2.3.4. reference point return (G30)

CYCLE3512 ISO-T polygonal turning (G50.2/G51.2)

CYCLE370T ISO-T finishing (G70)

CYCLE371T ISO-T longitudinal turning (G71/G77)

CYCLE3721 ISO-M contour repeating (G72.1/G72.2)

CYCLE372T ISO-T face turning (G72/G79)

CYCLE373T ISO-T pattern repeating (G73)

CYCLE374T ISO-T deep hole drilling and recessing (G74/G75)

CYCLE375T ISO-T deep hole drilling and recessing

CYCLE376T ISO-T thread cutting (G78/G76)

CYCLE381M ISO-M drilling (G81/G82/G85/G86/G89)

CYCLE383M ISO-M drilling (G73/G83)

CYCLE383T ISO-T deep hole drilling (G83/G87)

CYCLE3841 ISO-M rigid tapping

CYCLE384M ISO-M tapping (G74/G84)

CYCLE384T ISO-T tapping (G84/G88)

CYCLE385T ISO-T drilling (G85/G89)

CYCLE387M ISO-M drilling (G76/G87)

CYCLE395 ISO-T roughing

CYCLE396 ISO interrupt program call (M96)

CYCLE398 ISO-T threading

CYCLE861 ISO-M back boring

Overview of cycles - programming support

Technological cycles drilling/milling/turning

Basic scope

CUST_800 manufacturer cycle for swiveling (formerly TOOLCARR)

CUST_832 manufacturer cycle for high speed settings (formerly CYC_832T)

CUST_M6 manufacturer cycle for tracking tool changes with SERUPRO

CUST_MULTICHAN manufacturer cycle for multi-channel editor

CUST_T manufacturer cycle for tracking tool changes with SERUPRO

CUST_TECHCYC manufacturer cycle for technology cycles (formerly ST_CUST)

CYCLE60 milling: Engraving

CYCLE61 milling: Face milling

CYCLE62 contour turning and milling: Contour - contour call

CYCLE63 contour milling: Pocket, spigot, all with residual material

CYCLE64 contour milling: Predrilling

CYCLE70 milling: Thread milling

CYCLE71 milling compatibility with 802D sl: Face milling

CYCLE72 contour milling: Path

CYCLE76 milling: Spigot - rectangular spigot

CYCLE77 milling: Spigot - circular spigot

CYCLE78 drilling: Thread - drill and thread milling

CYCLE79 milling: Spigot - multi-edge

CYCLE800 milling: Swivel plane, swivel tool

CYCLE801 drilling: Positions - grid or frame

CYCLE802 drilling: Positions - any positions

CYCLE81 drilling: Centering

CYCLE82 drilling: Drilling reaming - drilling

CYCLE83 drilling: Deep-hole drilling

CYCLE832 milling: High-speed settings

CYCLE84 drilling: Thread - rigid tapping

CYCLE840 drilling: Thread - tapping with compensating chuck

CYCLE85 drilling: Drilling reaming - reaming

CYCLE86 drilling: Boring

CYCLE87 drilling compatibility with 802D sl: Boring pass 3

CYCLE88 drilling compatibility with 802D sl: Boring with stop

CYCLE89 drilling compatibility with 802D sl: Boring pass 5

CYCLE899 milling: Slot - open slot

CYCLE90 milling compatibility with 802D sl: Thread milling

CYCLE92 turning: Parting

CYCLE93 turning compatibility with 802D sl: Grooving

CYCLE930 turning: Grooving

CYCLE94 turning compatibility with 802D sl: Undercut form E and F

CYCLE940 turning: Undercut - form E, form F, undercut thread DIN, undercut thread

CYCLE95 turning compatibility stock removal (with SW 2.5 and 802D sl)

CYCLE951 turning: Stock removal

CYCLE952 contour turning: Stock removal, plunging, plunge cutting, all with residual material

CYCLE96 turning compatibility with 802D sl: Thread undercut form A, B, C, D

CYCLE97 turning compatibility with 802D sl: Thread cutting

CYCLE98 turning: Thread - thread chain

CYCLE99 turning: Thread - longitudinal, taper, face

HOLES1 drilling: Positions - row of holes

HOLES2 drilling: Positions - circle of holes

LONGHOLE milling: Slot - elongated hole

POCKET3 milling: Pocket - rectangular pocket

POCKET4 milling: Pocket - circular pocket

PROG_EVENT ASUP for supporting special modes

SLOT1 milling: Slot - longitudinal groove

SLOT2 milling: Slot - circumferential groove

Pocket milling with free contour definition and islands

Basic scope

CYCLE63 milling contour pocket: Residual material detection

CYCLE64 predrilling contour pocket: Residual material detection

Residual material detection and machining for contour pockets and stock removal


CYCLE63 milling contour pocket: Residual material detection

CYCLE64 predrilling contour pocket: Residual material detection

CYCLE952 stock removal along contour: Residual material detection

ShopMill/ShopTurn machining step programming - ShopMill


E_CALL subprogram

E_CI_CO contour spigot

E_CI_RE contour spigot residual material

E_CLAMP multiple clamping

E_CON contour

E_CONFIG settings

E_CP_CE centering a contour pocket

E_CP_CO broach contour pocket

E_CP_DR predrilling a contour pocket

E_CP_RE contour pocket residual material

E_CR_HEL helix

E_DR drilling

E_DR_BGF drill and thread milling

E_DR_BOR boring

E_DR_PEC deep-hole drilling

E_DR_REA reaming

E_DR_SIN countersinking

E_DR_TAP tapping

E_END end of program

E_HEAD program header

E_MANAGE management

E_MC_LP calibrate workpiece probe: Length on surface

E_MC_MPT calibrate tool probe calibrate (tool probe)

E_MC_RC calibrate workpiece probe radius at edge

E_MC_RR calibrate workpiece probe radius in ring

E_MC_RSP calibrate workpiece probe radius on sphere

E_MI_CON path milling

E_MI_EDG multi-edge

E_MI_PL face milling

E_MI_TR thread milling

E_MI_TXT engraving cycle

ShopMill/ShopTurn machining step programming - ShopTurn


F_BARLO bar loader

F_CI_CO contour spigot

F_CI_RE contour spigot residual material

F_CON contour

F_CONFIG settings

F_CP_CE centering a contour pocket

F_CP_CO broach contour pocket

F_CP_DR predrilling a contour pocket

F_CP_RE contour pocket residual material

F_DR drilling

F_DR_BGF drill and thread milling

F_DR_BOR boring

F_DR_PEC deep-hole drilling

F_DR_REA reaming

F_DR_SIN countersinking

F_DR_TAP tapping

F_DRILL deep-hole drilling centered

F_DRILLC centering centered

F_DRILLD drilling centered

F_END end of program

F_FR_PEC deep-hole drilling

F_GROOV grooving

F_HEAD program header

F_HOME tool change point

F_MANAGE management

F_MC_L calibrate workpiece probe: Length

F_MC_MPT calibrate tool probe calibrate (tool probe)

F_MC_R calibrate workpiece probe: Radius

F_MC_RR calibrate workpiece probe: Radius in ring

F_MC_RSP calibrate workpiece probe: Radius on sphere

F_MC_SL measure workpiece slot

F_PO_CIR circular pocket

F_PO_REC rectangular pocket

F_PS_CIR position circle

F_PS_FRA position frame

F_PS_MRX position matrix

F_PS_ROW position row

F_PS_SEQ position sequence

F_RELEAS retraction

F_ROT_C C translation

F_ROU_Z extended stock removal

F_ROUGH stock removal corner

F_S_ASUP actions after block search

F_SIM simulation

F_SL_CIR circumferential groove

F_SL_LON longitudinal groove

F_SP_CHA chamfer

F_SP_EF form E+F undercut

F_SP_INI initialization

F_SP_IS Intersection check

F_SP_RP approach/retraction

F_SP_RP2 calculate approach/retraction

F_SP_RPT retraction data

F_SP_SIM simulation calculations

F_SP_TRA transformation management

F_SUB_SP counterspindle

F_SWIV_H swiveling

F_TAP tapping centered

F_TCARR swiveling

F_TD manual tool change

F_TFS tool change/feedrate/spindle

F_TR_CON cutting taper thread

F_TR_LON cutting longitudinal thread

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания
Каталог оборудования 2016
Каталог продуктов Siemens Industry Приводная техника Техника автоматизации Автоматизация и безопасность зданий Низковольтная коммутационная техника Технология безопасности Системные решения и продукты для отраслей Автомобильная промышленность Биотопливо Химическая промышленность Пищевая промышленность Производственные машины Непрерывное преобразование листового материала - Converting Печать Манипуляторы Пластик Текстиль Обработка металлов давлением Упаковка Компоненты автоматизации для станков SINUMERIK 808 with SINAMICS V60/V70 SINUMERIK 828 with SINAMICS S120 SINUMERIK 840 with SINAMICS S120 Introduction SINUMERIK 840D sl with SINAMICS S120 SINUMERIK CNC control SINUMERIK 840D sl Overview of functions SINUMERIK 840D sl with SINAMICS S120 NCU 710.3B PN NCU 720.3B PN NCU 730.3B PN Numeric Control Extensions NX10.3/NX15.3 SINUMERIK COM01.3 module CBE30-2 communication module SINUMERIK Safety Integrated Ordering examples for SINUMERIK 840DE sl Glossary SINUMERIK 840D sl Overview of cycles SINUMERIK 840D sl SINUMERIK I/O SIMATIC I/O for SINUMERIK 840D sl SITOP power supply SINUMERIK Operate SINUMERIK Integrate SINAMICS S120 drive system SIMOTICS motors MOTION-CONNECT connection systems Lifecycle Services SINUMERIK Solution Partners Approvals List of abbreviations Горная и металлургическая промышленность Нефтегазовая промышленность Фармацевтическая промышленность Бумажная промышленность Солнечная энергетика Транспорт, инфраструктура, логистика Вода и водоподготовка Сбыт электроэнергии Возобновляемые источники энергии Отраслевые решения Отраслевые продукты Сервис ... и все, что Вам еще необходимо

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  (4872) 700-366