Acceleration with jerk limitation
To achieve optimum acceleration with reduced wear on the machine's mechanical parts, you can select SOFT in the part program to ensure continuous, jerk-free acceleration.
When you select "acceleration with jerk limitation", the velocity characteristic over the path is generated as a sinusoidal curve.
Access protection
Protection level
Access to (examples)
All functions, programs, data
Machine manufacturers: Development
Defined functions, programs and data (options)
Machine manufacturers: Start-up engineers
Defined functions, programs and data (machine data)
End user: Servicing
Assigned functions, programs and data
Key red Switch position 3
End user: Programmers, machine-setters
< Protection level 0 to 3 Machine manufacturer/end user
Key green Switch position 2
End user: Qualified users who do not program
< Protection level 0 to 3 End user
Key black Switch position 1
End user: Trained users who do not program
Program selection only, tool wear entries, and work offset entries
Switch position 0
End user: Semi-skilled users
No input and program selection possible, only the machine control panel can be operated
Access to programs, data and functions is protected in a user-oriented hierarchical system of eight access levels.
These are subdivided into four password levels (protection level 0 to 3) for Siemens, machine manufacturers and end users.
SINUMERIK controls thus provide a multistage concept for controlling access privileges. Protection level 0 has the highest, protection level 7 the lowest access privileges. A higher protection level automatically includes all protection levels below it.
Access privileges for protection levels 1 to 3 are preprogrammed by Siemens as default.
Access privileges for protection levels 4 to 7 can be assigned by the machine manufacturer or end user.
Actual-value system for workpiece
The term "actual-value system for workpiece" is used to designate functions which allow the SINUMERIK user to:
- begin machining in a workpiece coordinate system defined via machine data in JOG and AUTOMATIC mode without any additional manipulations after powering up the control
- retain the valid settings relating to active level, settable frames (G54-G59), kinematic transformations, and active tool compensation at the end of the part program for use in the next part program
- to change back and forth between the workpiece coordinate system and the machine coordinate system
- to change the workpiece coordinate system per operator input (e.g. change the adjustable frames or the tool offset)
Alarms and messages
All "alarms and messages" are output on the operator panel in plain text with a graphic symbol indicating the clear criterion. The alarm texts are stored on the control.
"Alarms and messages" from the machine can be displayed in plain text from the PLC program. A distinction is made between status messages and fault messages. While status messages are immediately cleared, fault messages must always be acknowledged.
The control's response to alarms or messages is configurable, and the required texts are stored on the control.
"Alarms and messages" in the part program: Messages can be programmed to give the user information on the current processing status while the program is executing.
Analog spindles
Unipolar or bipolar 10 V interfaces can be used. In the case of SINUMERIK 802D sl, the MCPA module is additionally required.
Auxiliary function output
Auxiliary function output informs the PLC when the part program wants the PLC to handle certain machine switching operations. This is accomplished by transfering the appropriate auxiliary functions and their parameters to the PLC interface. The transferred values and signals must be processed by the PLC user program. The following functions can be forwarded to the PLC:
- Tool selection T
- Tool offset
- Feed F/FA
- Spindle speed S
- H functions
- M functions
Auxiliary function output may be carried out either with velocity reduction and PLC acknowledgement up to the next block, or before and during travel without velocity reduction and without block change delay. Following blocks are then retracted without a time-out.
> Spindle functions
- Axes
Three or four of the four simultaneously operating axes are interpolating axes.
- Spindles
Spindle drives can be speed-controlled or position-controlled.
Backlash compensation
With positive backlash (normal case), the encoder actual value is ahead of the true actual value (table): The table does not travel far enough.
During power transmission between a moving machine part and its drive (e.g. ball screw), there is normally a small amount of backlash because setting mechanical parts so that they are completely free of backlash would result in too much wear and tear on the machine. In the case of axes/spindles with indirect measuring systems, mechanical backlash results in corruption of the traverse path. For example, when the direction of movement is reversed, an axis will travel too much or too little by the amount of the backlash.
To compensate for backlash, the axis-specific actual value is corrected by the amount of the backlash every time the axis/ spindle reverses its direction of movement.
Following reference-point approach, backlash compensation is always active in all modes.
Block search
The block search function allows any point in the part program to be selected, at which machining must start or be continued. The function is provided for the purpose of testing part programs or continuing machining after a program abort.
Three types of search are available:
- Block search with calculation at the contour line:
during the block search, the same calculations are executed as during normal program operation. The target block is then traversed true-to-contour until the end position is reached. Using this function it is possible to approach the contour again from any situation.
- Block search with calculation at the block end point:
this function allows you to approach a target position (such as tool change position). Once again, all calculations are executed as during normal program operation. The approach targets the end position of the target block or the next programmed position using the method of interpolation valid in the destination block.
- Block search without calculation:
this method is used for high-speed searches in the main program. No calculation are carried out during the search. The internal control values remain the same as before the block search.
In order to execute an CNC program without faults, the target block must be included as relevant block information.
You can specify the target of the search by
- Directly positioning the cursor on the destination block, or
- By specifying a block number, a jump label, any string, a program name or a line number.
CNC program messages
> Alarms and messages
CNC user memory
All programs and data, such as part programs, subroutines, comments, tool offsets, zero offsets and program user data can be stored in the shared, battery-backed CNC user memory.
Circle via center point and end point
Circular interpolation causes the tool to move along a circular path in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. The required circle is described by:
- Starting point of circular path (actual position in the block before the circle)
- Direction of rotation of circle
- Circle end position (target defined in circular block)
- Circle center point
The circle center can be programmed as an absolute value with reference to the current zero point or as an incremental value with reference to the starting point of the circular path. If the opening angle is apparent from the drawing, then it can be directly programmed. In many cases, the dimensioning of a drawing is chosen so that it is more convenient to program the radius to define the circular path. In the case of a circular arc of more than 180 degrees, the radius specification is given a negative sign.
Circle via intermediate point and end point
If a circle is to be programmed which does not lie in a paraxial plane but obliquely in space, an intermediate point can be used to program it instead of the circle center point. Three points are required to program the circle: the starting point, the intermediate point, and the end point.
Clamping monitoring
> Position monitoring, standstill monitoring
"Clamping monitoring" is one of the many extensive monitoring mechanisms for axes. When an axis is to be clamped following conclusion of the positioning action, you can activate clamping monitoring with the PLC interface signal "clamping in progress". This may become necessary because it is possible for the axis to be pushed beyond the standstill tolerance from the position setpoint during the clamping procedure. The amount of deviation from the position setpoint is set via the machine data. During the clamping procedure, the clamping monitor replaces the standstill monitor, and is effective for linear axes, rotary axes, and position-controlled spindles. The clamping monitor is not active in follow-up mode. When the monitor responds, its reactions are the same as those of the standstill monitor.
Contour definition programming
"Contour definition programming" enables fast input of simple contours.
With the aid of help displays in the editor, your can program 1-point, 2-point or 3-point definitions with the transition elements chamfer or rounding easily and clearly by entering Cartesian coordinates and/or angles.
Contour monitoring
The following error is monitored within a definable tolerance band as a measure of contour accuracy. An impermissibly high following error might be caused by a drive overload, for example. If an error occurs, the axes/spindles are stopped. "Contour monitoring" is always enabled when a channel is active and in position-controlled mode. In the case of an interrupted channel/channel with reset status, the contour will not be monitored.
Cycle support
> Technological cycles
Data backup
The following data backup methods are available for your system software and user data:
- Integrated FEPROM
- Serial interface (RS 232 C) (point-to-point interface)
- CF card
Diagnostic functions
For service purposes, a self-diagnostics program and testing aids have been integrated in the controls. The status is displayed on the operator panel for:
- Interface signals between the CNC and the PLC and between the PLC and the machine
- Variables
- PLC bit memories, timers and counters
- PLC inputs/outputs
For test purposes, the user can set combinations of output signals, input signals, and memory bits. Alarms and messages also provide valuable diagnostic information. In the "service display" menu, it is possible to call up important information about the axis and spindle drives, such as:
- Absolute actual position
- Position setpoint
- Following error
- Speed setpoint/
- Speed actual value
Dimensions in metric and inches
Depending on the measuring system used in the production drawing, you can program workpiece-related geometrical data in either metric measure (G71) or inches (G70). The control can be set to a basic system regardless of the programmed dimensional notation. You can enter the following geometrical data directly and let the control convert them into the other measuring system (examples):
- Position data X, Y, Z, etc.
- Interpolation parameters I, J, K and circle radius CR
- Pitch
- Programmable zero offset (TRANS)
- Polar radius RP
With the G700/G710 programming expansion, all feedrates are also interpreted in the programmed measuring system (inch/min or mm/min). In the "Machine" operating area, you can switch back and forth between inch and metric dimensional notation using a softkey.
Display functions
All current information can be displayed on the operator panel's screen, such as:
- Block currently being executed
- Previous and following block
- Actual position, distance-to-go
- Current feedrate
- Spindle speed
- G Functions
- Auxiliary functions
- Workpiece designation
- Main program/subroutine name
- All data entered, such as part programs, user data and machine data
- Help texts
Important operating states are displayed in plain text, for example
- Alarms and messages
- Position not reached
- Feed stop
- Program in process
- Data input/output in progress
The SINUMERIK 802D sl offers a DRIVE-CLiQ interface for the SINAMICS drive system.
Electronic handwheels
Using electronic handwheels, it is possible to move selected axes simultaneously in manual mode. The handwheel clicks are analyzed by the increment analyzer. If coordinate offset or coordinate rotation is selected, it is also possible to move the axes manually in the transformed workpiece coordinate system. The maximum input frequency of the handwheel inputs is 500 kHz.
Ethernet interface
> RCS 802 remote diagnostics (option)
Files, programs and data of all types can be transferred via the Ethernet interface. The interface is parameterized on the control. Both the control itself and the customer CF codes can be accessed. If the control is to be integrated into a network, the RCS 802 remote diagnostics tool (option) is additionally required.
Execution of large CNC programs
Part programs that are too large for CNC memory can be read in via the Ethernet interface and executed while the read-in is in progress (Version Pro). The CNC executes the program from circulating buffer. Part programs are automatically reloaded into circulating buffer as soon as free memory space becomes available.
It is much more convenient to execute programs from a plug-in customer CF card. The CF card can be linked directly to the control via insertion in a PC or via an RS 232 C or Ethernet port. This ensures that there is enough memory for the program to be executed directly.
Feedforward control
Feedforward control allows you to reduce axial following errors almost to zero. For this reason, feedforward control is often referred to as "following error compensation".
Particularly during acceleration in contour curvatures, e.g. circles and corners, this following error leads to undesirable, velocity-dependent contour violations.
For compensation of contour violations, the SINUMERIK 802D sl features velocity-dependent feedforward speed control.
Feedrate override
The programmed velocity is overridden by the current velocity setting via the machine control panel or by the PLC.
0 to 200 % with SINUMERIK 802D sl
Follow-up mode
If an axis/spindle is in follow-up mode, it can be moved externally, and the actual value can still be recorded. The traverse paths are updated in the display. Standstill, clamping and positioning monitoring functions are not effective in follow-up mode. A new reference-point procedure for the axes is not required when follow-up mode is cancelled.
Frame concept
With the Frame concept, it is possible to transform rectangular coordinate systems very simply by translating, rotating, scaling and mirroring. The following instructions are used to program these options:
- TRANS programmable zero offset
- ROT rotation in space or in a plane
- SCALE scaling (scale factor)
- MIRROR mirroring
The instructions can also be used several times within one and the same program. Existing offsets can either be overwritten or new ones can be added. Additive frame instructions:
If swiveling tools or workpieces are available, machining can be extremely flexible.
Helical interpolation
Helical interpolation: Thread milling with form cutter
The helical interpolation function is ideal for machining internal and external threads using form milling cutters and for milling lubrication grooves. The helix comprises two movements:
- Circular movement in one plane
- A linear movement perpendicular to this plane
The programmed feedrate F either refers only to the circular motion or to the total path velocity of the three CNC axes involved.
In addition to the two CNC axes performing circular interpolation, other linear motions can be performed synchronously. The programmed feedrate F refers to the axes specially selected in the program.
High-level CNC language
To meet the various technological demands of modern machine tools, a CNC high-level language has been implemented that provides a high degree of programming freedom.
Indirect programming
One option for universal use of a program is indirect programming. Here, the addresses of axes, spindles, R parameters, etc., are not directly programmed, but are addressed via a variable in which their required address is then entered.
Program jumps
The inclusion of program jumps allows extremely flexible control of the machining process. Conditional and unconditional jumps are available as well as program branches that depend on a current value. Labels that are written at the beginning of the block are used as jump destinations. The jump destination can be before or after the exit jump block.
Arithmetic and trigonometric functions
Extensive arithmetic functions can be implemented with user variables and arithmetic variables. In addition to the four basic arithmetic operations, there are also:
- Sine, cosine, tangent
- Arc sine, arc cosine, arc tangent
- Square root
- Absolute value
- 2nd power (square)
- Integer component
- Round to integer
- Natural logarithm
- Exponential function
- Offset
- Rotation
- Scale modification
- Mirroring
Comparison operations and logic combinations
Comparison operations with variables can be used to formulate jump conditions. The comparison functions that can be used are:
- Equal to, not equal to
- Greater than, less than
- Greater than or equal to
- Less than or equal to
- Concatenation of strings
The following logic combinations are also available: AND, OR, NOT, EXOR. These logic operations can also be performed bit by bit.
I/O interfacing via PROFIBUS DP
PROFIBUS DP represents the protocol profile for distributed I/O. It enables high-speed cyclic communication with aggregates of 12 Mbit/s and offers the following advantages: high availability, data integrity and standard message structure.
Intermediate blocks for tool radius compensation
Traversing movements with tool offset selected can be interrupted by a limited number of intermediate blocks (block without axis movements in the compensation plane).
Languages/language expansions
The user interface for the SINUMERIK controls is available in almost any required language. The user interface can be switched between two languages when online.
Leadscrew error/measuring system error compensation
The principle of "indirect measuring" on CNC-controlled machines is based on the assumption that the leadscrew pitch is constant at every point within the traversing range, so that the actual position of the axis can be derived from the position of the drive spindle (ideal situation). Tolerances in ball screw production, however, result in large dimensional deviations to a lesser or greater extent (referred to as leadscrew error). Added to this are the dimensional deviations caused by the measuring system as well as its installation tolerances on the machine (so-called measuring system errors), plus any machine-dependent error sources.
Because these dimensional deviations directly affect the accuracy of workpiece machining, they must be compensated for by the relevant position-dependent compensation values.
The compensation values are derived from measured error curves and entered in the control in the form of compensation tables during commissioning.
Limit switch monitoring
Overview of travel limits
Preceding the EMERGENCY STOP switch, hardware limit switches, which take the form of digital inputs controlled via the PLC interface, limit the traversing range of the machine axes. Deceleration is effected either as quick stop with setpoint zero or in accordance with a braking characteristic. The axes must be retracted in the opposite direction in JOG mode.
Software limit switches precede the hardware limit switches, are not overtraveled, and are not active until reference-point approach has been completed.
A second pair of plus/minus software limit switches can be activated via the PLC.
Linear interpolation
Up to 4 axes can interpolate linearly.
Look Ahead
During the machining of complex contours, most of the program blocks describe very short paths and often feature sharp changes in direction. If a contour of this type is processed with a fixed programmed path velocity, an optimum result cannot be obtained.
In short traversing blocks with tangential block transitions, the drives cannot attain the required final velocity because of the short path distances. Corners are cut off.
"Look Ahead" enables the optimum machining velocity to be achieved. On tangential block transitions, the axis is accelerated and decelerated beyond block boundaries, so that no drops in velocity occur. On sharp changes of direction, smoothing of the contour is reduced to a programmable path dimension.
Measuring system error compensation
> Leadscrew error/measuring system error compensation
Monitoring functions
The controls contain watchdog monitors which are always active. These monitors detect problems in the CNC, PLC or machine in time to prevent damage to workpiece, tool or machine. When a problem occurs, machining is interrupted and the drives brought to a standstill. The cause of the fault is saved, and displayed as an alarm. At the same time, the PLC is notified that a CNC alarm has been triggered. Monitoring functions exist for the following areas:
- Read in
- Format
- Encoder and drive
- Contour
- Position
- Standstill
- Clamping
- Speed setpoint
- Actual velocity
- Enabling signals
- Voltage
- Temperatures
- Microprocessors
- Serial interfaces
- Transfer between CNC and PLC
- System memory and user memory
Monitoring of tool life and workpiece count
This function permits monitoring of tool life and/or workpiece count. If the monitoring time of a cutting edge expires during machining, an alarm is output, and a VDI signal is issued. The service life of the active cutting edge of the loaded tool is monitored. Monitoring of the workpiece count covers all tool cutting edges which are used to manufacture a workpiece.
Online ISO dialect interpreter
With the online ISO dialect interpreter, part programs in other ISO dialects such as G codes from other manufacturers can be read into, edited and processed in the SINUMERIK 802D sl. Part programs can also be written in the normal manner. G290/G291 can be used to also swap between the two programming languages within a part program.
Operating modes
In the "Machine" operating area, you have a choice of three modes:
JOG mode is intended for the manual movement of axes and spindles as well as for setting up the machine. The setting-up functions are reference-point approach, repositioning, handwheel control or incremental mode, and redefinition of control zero (preset/set actual value)
In MDA mode, you can enter individual program blocks or sequences of blocks, then execute them immediately via CNC Start. The tested blocks can then be saved in part programs.
In AUTO mode, your part programs are executed automatically once they have been selected from the workpiece, part program or subprogram directories (normal operation). During AUTO mode it is possible to generate and correct another part program. The Teach-in submode allows you to transfer movements to the AUTO program by returning and storing positions.
In MDA and AUTO mode, you can modify the sequence of a program using the following "program control" functions:
- SKP Skip block
- DRY Dry run feedrate
- ROV Rapid traverse override
- SBL1 Single block with stop after machine function blocks
- SBL2 Single block with stop after every block
- SBL3 Stop in cycle
- M01 Programmed stop
- PRT Program test
PLC status
In its "diagnostics" area, the user interface allows you to check and/or change PLC status signals.
This allows you to do the following on site without a programming device:
- Check the input and output signals from the PLC's I/O
- Troubleshoot
- Check the interface signals for diagnostic purposes
The status of the following data items can be displayed on the operator panel:
- Interface signals from/to the machine control panel
- NCK/PLC and MMC/PLC interface signals
- Data blocks, memory bits, timers, counters, inputs and outputs
The status of the above signals can be changed for testing purposes. Signal combinations are also possible, and as many as ten operands can be modified simultaneously.
PLC user memory
The PLC user program, the user data and the basic PLC program are stored together in the PLC user memory.
Part program management
Part programs can be organized according to workpieces. This permits clear allocation of programs and data to the respective workpieces.
Polar coordinates
When programming in polar coordinates, it is possible to define positions with reference to a defined center point by specifying the radius and angle. The center point can be defined by an absolute dimension or incremental dimension.
Position monitoring
To protect the machine, SINUMERIK controls provide extensive monitoring mechanisms for axis monitoring:
- Motion monitoring:
Contour monitoring, position monitoring, standstill monitoring, clamping monitoring, speed setpoint monitoring, actual speed monitoring, encoder monitoring
- Static limits monitoring:
Limit switch monitoring, working area limitation
Position monitoring is always activated after termination of motion blocks "according to the setpoint". To ensure that an axis is in position within a specified period of time, the timer programmed in the machine data is started when a traversing block terminates; when the timer expires, a check is made to ascertain whether the following error fell below the limit value (machine data). When the specified "fine exact stop limit" has been reached or following output of a new position setpoint other than zero (e.g. after positioning to "coarse exact stop" and subsequent block change), the positioning monitor is deactivated and replaced by the standstill monitor.
The positioning monitor is effective for linear and rotary axes as well as for position-controlled spindles.
Programmable acceleration
With the "programmable acceleration" function it is possible, for example, to modify the axis acceleration in the program in order to limit mechanical vibration in critical program sections.
The path or positioning axis is then accelerated at the programmed value. The maximum acceleration value stored in the control is not exceeded. This limitation is active in AUTOMATIC mode and in all interpolation modes. As part of intelligent motion control, this function provides a more precise workpiece surface.
Programming language
The CNC programming language is based on DIN 66025.
RCS 802 remote diagnostics (option)
This function enables you to observe the control online. The RCS 802 remote diagnostics function makes the entire control accessible from the PC for the purpose of:
- Monitoring
- Operator control
- Creating snap shots
- Commissioning
- Loading/saving data NC/PLC
- Loading/saving user programs
This function enables the control to also be integrated into a network.
Reference point approach
When using a machine axis in program-controlled mode, it is important to ensure that the actual values supplied by the measuring system agree with the machine coordinate values.
Reference point approach (limit switch) is performed separately for each axis at a defined velocity either using the direction keys, in a sequence that can be defined in the machine data, or automatically via program command G74.
Reference point approach for an axis with absolute value encoders is carried out automatically when the control is switched on (without axis motion) if the corresponding axis is recognized as being calibrated.
Following a program interruption in AUTOMATIC mode (e.g. to take a measurement on the workpiece and correct the tool wear values or because of tool breakage), manual repositioning of the tool is possible after changing to JOG mode. In this case, the control stores the interruption point coordinates and displays the differential travel of the axes in JOG mode in the actual-value window as Repos (repositioning) offset.
Repositioning can also be performed in JOG mode using the axis- and direction keys. It is not possible to overshoot the interruption point; the feedrate override switch is effective.
Rotary axis, turning endlessly
Depending on the application, the traversing range of a rotary axis can be limited by a software switch (e.g. operating range between 0° and 60°) or to a corresponding number of rotations (e.g. 1000°), or unlimited (endlessly turning in both directions).
Serial interface (RS 232 C)
A serial interface (RS 232 C) is provided for data input/output. This interface can be used to load and archive programs and data. The interface can be parameterized and operated with menu assistance via the operator panel.
Series machine startup
In order to transfer a specific configuration as easily as possible to other controls on the same type of machine, you can create so-called series machine startup files.
Series machine startup is then extremely easy and user-friendly, and can even be accomplished without a programming device by using an IBM-compatible PC.
Store a startup file on CF card in the control, plug the CF card into the next control, and start the series machine startup there.
Skip blocks
CNC blocks that are not to be executed in every program run, e.g. execute a trial program run, can be skipped. Skip blocks are identified by placing a "/" character in front of the block number. The statements in the skip blocks are not executed, and the program resumes with the next block that is not identified as a skip block.
Spindle functions
Spindle speed
Spindle speed override 0 to 200 %; gear stages with default setting via:
- part program (commands M41 to M45) or
- automatically via programmed spindle speed (M40) or
- Oriented spindle stop (positioning mode) with SPOS 1)
Spindle monitoring with the functions 1)
- Axis/spindle stationary (n < nmin)
- Spindle in setpoint range
- Max. spindle speed
- Programmable lower (G25) and upper (G26) spindle speed limitation
- Min./max. speed of the gear stage
- Max. encoder limit frequency
- Target point monitoring for SPOS
Constant cutting speed with G96 (in m/min or inch/min) at the tool tip for uniform turning finish and thus better surface quality.
Thread cutting with constant lead: 1)
The following types of thread can be produced with G33: Cylindrical, conical or face threads, single or multiple, right-hand or left-hand threads. In addition, multiple-block threads can be produced by concatenating threading blocks.
Tapping with compensating chuck/rigid tapping:
When tapping with compensating chuck (G63), the compensating chuck takes up differences between spindle movement and drilling axis. Prerequisite for rigid tapping (G331/G332) is a position-controlled spindle with position decoding system.
The traversing range of the drilling axis is therefore not restricted. By using the method whereby the spindle, as a rotary axis, and the drilling axis interpolate, threads can be cut to a precise final drilling depth (e.g. for blind hole thread).
1) Prerequisite: Position actual value encoder (measuring system) with appropriate parameter substitution (directly mounted spindle).
Spindle speed limitation
> Spindle functions
Standstill monitoring
The standstill monitor checks whether the axis moves further out of its position than the value specified as standstill tolerance in the machine data. The standstill monitoring function is always active following expiration of the "standstill monitoring delay time" or upon reaching the "fine exact stop" limit as long as no new traversing command is pending. When the monitor responds, an alarm is generated and the relevant axis/spindle brought to standstill with rapid stop via a speed setpoint ramp. The standstill monitor is effective for linear and rotary axes as well as for position-controlled spindles. The standstill monitor is inactive in follow-up mode.
If machining operations recur frequently, it is advisable to store them in a subroutine. The subroutine is called from a main program (number of passes ?9999).
The SIMUMERIK 802D sl supports seven subroutine levels within a main program. Subroutines can be completely protected against unauthorized readouts and displays (cycles). A main program can also be called from within another main program or subroutine.
Tapping with compensating chuck/rigid tapping
> Spindle functions
Teach In
"Teach-in" is the transfer of current positions to the CNC program.
When teach-in is used in AUTOMATIC mode, it is possible not only to transfer the program but also to test and correct it immediately. The program is stopped and the axes are moved into the desired position with the JOG keys using the MCP or handwheel. This position is transferred to the program as a traversing block and can then be started again at any point. A reset is not required. Positions already taught in the program can be corrected and new positions can be inserted.
Technology cycles
Technology cycles (standard cycles) for drilling/milling and turning are available for frequently repeated machining tasks. You can store these technology cycles together with your user cycles in the control as protected subroutine. The parameters are initialized via graphically supported input screen forms in plain text.
Thread cutting
> Spindle functions
Tool change via T number
In chain, rotary-plate and box magazines, a tool change normally takes place in two stages. A T command locates the tool in the magazine, and an M command inserts it in the spindle. In circular magazines on turning machines, the T command carries out the entire tool change, that is, locates and inserts the tool. You can preselect the type of tool change in the machine data.
Tool offsets
Tool offsets
When generating programs, you do not need to take tool dimensions such as cutter diameter, cutting edge position or tool length into account. You program the workpiece dimensions directly, for example following the production drawing. When a workpiece goes into production, the tool paths are controlled in dependence on the relevant tool geometry in such a way that the programmed contour can be produced with any tool used.
You enter the tool data separately in the control's tool table, and in the program you call only the required tool with its offset data. During program execution, the control fetches the required offset data from the tool files and corrects the tool path for various tools automatically.
By programming a T function (5-figure integer number) in the block, you can select the tool. Each T number can be assigned a corresponding tool offset (D addresses). The number of tools to be managed in the control is set at the configuration stage. A tool offset block comprises 25 parameters, e.g.:
- Tool type
- Up to three tool length offsets
- Radius compensation
- Wear dimension for length and radius
- Tool base dimension
The wear and the tool base dimension are added to the corresponding offset.
Tool radius compensation
Bypassing the outside corners with transition circle/transition ellipse
When tool radius compensation is enabled, the control automatically computes the equidistant tool paths for different tools. To do so, it requires the tool number T, the tool offset number D (with cutter number), the machining direction G41/G42, and the relevant working plane G17 to G19.
The path is offset in two axes in dependence on the selected tool radius.
The control can also automatically insert a circle or a straight line in the block with the tool radius compensation when no intersection with the preceding block is possible.
The process of tool radius compensation may be interrupted only by a certain number of successive blocks or M commands containing no traversing commands or path specifications in the compensating plane.
Tool types
Example: Geometry of turning tool
The tool type determines which geometric data are needed for the tool offset memory and how they are to be used. The control combines these geometric data into a result value (e.g. total length, total radius).
The calculated overall value comes into effect when the offset memory is activated. The use of these values in the axes is determined by the tool type and current machining level G17, G18 or G19.
The following tool types can be parameterized:
- Group 1xy: milling cutters (from spherical head cutter to bevel cutter)
- Group 2xy: drills (from twist drill to reamer)
- Group 5xy: turning tools (from roughing tool to threading tool)
The storing of all tool data is supported by input screen forms.
Travel to fixed stop
With this function, tailstocks or sleeves can be traversed to a fixed stop to clamp workpieces. The pressure applied can be defined in the part program. "Travel to fixed stop" is possible simultaneously for several axes, and parallel to the movement of other axes.
Traversing range
The range of values for the traversing ranges depends on the selected computational resolution. The default value for "computational resolution for linear or angle positions" in the machine data (1000 increments per mm or per degree) can be used to program the value ranges (see Table). The traversing range can be restricted by software limit switches and operating ranges.
G70 [inches, degrees]
G71 [mm, degrees]
Linear axes X, Y, Z, ...
± 399.999,999
± 999.999,999
Rotary axes A, B, C, ...
± 999.999,999
± 999.999,999
Interpolation parameters I, J, K
± 399.999,999
± 999.999,999
User interface
The user interface is divided into six operating areas:
- Machine
- Offset/parameters
- Program manager
- Program editor
- System
- Alarm
- Custom
This makes it possible, for example, to write a new part program while parts production is in progress.
On changing the operating area, the last active menu is always stored. "Hot keys" are provided for switching from one operating area to another. 8 horizontal and 8 vertical softkeys as well as Windows-type technology ensure easy, user-friendly machine operation.
User machine data
The NCK makes machine data available for configuring the CNC. These data make it possible to activate specific machine configurations, machine expansions, and user "options".
The maximum path velocity, axis velocity and spindle speed are affected by the dynamic response of machine and drive and by the limit frequency of actual-value acquisition.
The minimum velocity must not fall below 10-3 units/IPO cycle.
The maximum velocity of the axis is generally limited by the mechanics or by the limit frequency of the encoder.
Working area limitation
> Zero offsets
In addition to the limit switches, "working area limitations" limit the traversing range of the axes. Protection zones are thus set up within the working area of the machine. These prevent tool movements and protect surrounding equipment such as tool turrets and measuring stations from damage.
The limitations refer to the basic coordinate system. Monitoring consists of ascertaining whether the tool tip penetrates the protected working area while taking into account the tool radius.
Zero offsets
You can define "zero offsets" which can then be called in the part programs.