официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2015
(4872) 700-366

Communication with higher-level control and customer terminal strip

A terminal strip compliant with NAMUR recommendation NE37 is provided as standard for the customer interface. Ethernet (PROFIBUS with Ethernet-to-PROFIBUS converter board), PROFIBUS DP, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP and CANopen interfaces are also available. A PROFINET-based communication option is currently in development.

The NAMUR-compliant customer terminal strip can be used to connect the converter to the higher-level controller using analog and digital signals, or to connect additional units.

To simplify configuring and commissioning of the drive, various applications can be selected and modified in the frequency converter. The unit can also be parameterized individually at the factory prior to delivery.

Further information and guidance are available in the IMS.

Open-loop and closed-loop control functions

The SINAMICS G180 converter can be operated in different control modes:

  • Closed-loop control of the speed or torque of a drive by appropriate machine commutation. In "space-vector control" mode (SVC), the converter utilizes an optimized voltage/frequency ratio. To meet the requirements of dynamic applications, machine commutation can be combined with a tachogenerator to implement "field-oriented control" (FOC).
  • Closed-loop control of current or voltage at the converter output. This mode of control does not involve machine commutation. The output frequency and the current or the voltage are specified as setpoints and implemented in the converter (within the tolerances of the unit).

Thanks to the integrated process controller, it is possible to control a wide range of process variables in different control modes.

Software and protective functions

The software functions available as standard are described below:

Software and protective functions

Software and protective functions


Setpoint inputs

Setpoints can be input both internally and externally, i.e. internally as a fixed setpoint or motorized potentiometer setpoint and externally via the communications interface or an analog input on the customer terminal strip. The internal fixed setpoint and the motorized potentiometer setpoint can be switched over or adjusted using control commands via all interfaces.

Autotuning function

Thanks to the autotuning function (automatic measurement of the motor stator resistance), the closed-loop drive control can be commissioned and optimized faster and more easily.

Random pattern

Pulse pattern generation with or without random pattern can be selected. The purpose of this function is to prevent dominant clock frequency noise in the motor.

Ramp-function generator

A convenient ramp-function generator with separately adjustable and switchable ramping times, together with adjustable and switchable rounding times in the lower and upper speed ranges (transition roundings 1 to 4), allows the drive to be smoothly accelerated and braked. As a consequence, this avoids the drive train from being overloaded and reduces the stress on mechanical components. The down ramps can be parameterized separately for quick stop. In addition, all parameters can be switched over for special operating ranges.

Overvoltage controller

The overvoltage limiting controller automatically prevents overvoltages in the DC link if the down ramp is too short, for example. This may also extend the set ramp-down time.

Mains supply backup

In the event of supply voltage dips, the kinetic energy of the rotating drive is used to buffer the DC link so as to prevent fault trips. The converter remains operational as long as the drive can provide regenerative energy as a result of its motion and the DC link voltage does not drop below the trip threshold. When the line supply recovers within a parameterizable time, the drive is again accelerated up to its setpoint speed.

Undervoltage behavior

The operational performance of the frequency converter under line undervoltage conditions can be influenced to a large extent.
The automatic restart function switches the drive on again when the power is restored after a power failure, and ramps up to the current speed setpoint. The automatic restart function is successful only if the power failure does not last longer than the parameterized T restart time.


It is possible to synchronize the SINAMICS G180 converter with a motor that is still turning and to accelerate the motor to the specified setpoint.

Slip compensation

An automatic slip compensation function improves the speed accuracy of drives that are not equipped with a speed encoder.

Process control

The integrated process controller can be used to implement simple control functions, e.g. level control or volumetric flow control.
It is designed as a PID controller with separately settable P, I and D components.

Logic elements

The "Logic elements" function can be used to generate modal signals and to combine signals using logic.

Message generators

Messages can be generated subject to predefined conditions.

Parameter switches

A parameter switch can be used to switch a parameter from its original value to an alternative value.

Automatic acknowledgement function

Fault messages can be acknowledged fully automatically if required.


The bilingual, four-line graphical display with membrane keyboard on the converter shows operational messages, alarms and fault messages in plain text. The converter can be operated locally by means of this display.

Event memory

A comprehensive memory function for storing the last 64 events, including actual values recorded prior to and during each event, aids the evaluation and analysis of faults.

Time synchronization and operating hours counters

Timing functions can be synchronized with an external clock via digital inputs. Two different counters, one for frequency converter operating hours and the other for fan operating hours, can supply important information to the service engineer.

Motor protection

Motor protection through evaluation of a KTY84, PTC or Pt100 temperature sensor. When a KTY84 sensor is connected, the limit values can be set for alarm or shutdown. When a PTC thermistor is connected, the system reaction to triggering of the thermistor (alarm or shutdown) can be defined.

Motor blocking protection

A blocked motor is detected and can be protected against thermal overloading by a fault trip.

Noise reduction

Optimization of the pulse pattern can minimize motor noise emissions and also reduce motor losses.

Brake optimization

An oversaturation control system is provided to ensure optimum braking performance without the need for any additional equipment.
A parameterizable DC braking function is also provided to permit precise deceleration down to zero speed.

Operational reliability

In order to ensure smooth reliable operation, the converter is equipped with an automatic overload time adaptation function and stall protection implemented by a tried-and-tested current limitation control system.

Fault detection

Automatic monitoring for irregularities in operation, e.g. overspeed, underspeed or no-load. These conditions can be detected and signaled by appropriate alarms.

Fault suppression

Fault messages and fault trips initiated by fault messages can be suppressed (e.g. for smoke extraction motors).

Power unit protection


Ground fault monitoring at output end

A ground fault at the output end is detected by a total current monitor and results in shutdown in grounded-neutral systems.

Insulation monitoring

The insulation can be monitored for ground faults on converters operating on a non-grounded power supply system.

Current asymmetry monitoring at output end

A current symmetry monitoring system detects hazardous current unbalances and initiates a fault trip if necessary.

Electronic short-circuit protection at the output end

A short-circuit at the output (e.g. at the converter output terminals, in the motor cable or in the motor terminal box) is detected and the converter shuts down with "fault".

Thermal overload protection

When the overtemperature threshold monitor responds, an alarm is output initially and the clock frequency is reduced. If the temperature continues to rise, the current limit values are lowered in order to reduce the thermal load. Once the cause of the fault has been eliminated (e.g. cooling has been improved), the original operating values are automatically resumed.

Safety Integrated functions

The safety functions integrated in SINAMICS G180 converters provide highly effective application-oriented protection for personnel and machinery.

When equipped with one of the options G04, G05 or G08, SINAMICS G180 converters provide the following Safety Integrated function (terms defined according to IEC 61800?5?2):

  • Safe Torque Off (STO)

The Safety Integrated function is implemented electronically and therefore offers short response times in comparison to solutions with externally implemented monitoring functions.

Legal framework

Machine manufacturers and plant constructors must ensure that their machines or plants cannot cause danger due to malfunctions apart from the general risks of electric shock, heat or radiation. In Europe, for example, compliance with the machinery directive is legally stipulated by the EU industrial safety directive.

In order to ensure compliance with this directive, it is recommended that the corresponding harmonized European standards are applied. This initiates the assumption of conformity and gives manufacturers and operators the legal security when complying with both national regulations and EU directives. The machine manufacturer uses the CE labeling to document the compliance with all relevant directives and regulations in the free movement of goods.

Safety-related standards

Functional safety is specified in various standards. EN ISO 12100 and EN ISO 14121?1, for example, are concerned with the design and risk assessment of machines. EN 62061 (only applicable for electrical and electronic control systems) and EN ISO 13849?1 define the functional and safety-related requirements of safety-oriented control systems.

The above-mentioned standards define different safety requirements that the machine has to satisfy in accordance with the risk, frequency of a dangerous situation, probability of occurrence and the opportunities for recognizing impending danger.

  • EN ISO 13849?1: Categories B, 1 … 4
  • EN ISO 13849?1: Performance Level PL a … e
  • EN 62061: Safety Integrity Level SIL 1 … 3

Safety functions integrated in the drive with SINAMICS G180

The safety functions integrated in the SINAMICS G180 converter with option G04, G05 or G08 satisfy the requirements of:

  • Category 3 according to EN ISO 13849?1
  • Performance Level (PL) d according to EN ISO 13849?1
  • Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 2 according to EN 61508

With additional option S01, S02 or S32, the SINAMICS G180 also complies with the following:

  • Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 according to EN 61508

In addition, the Safety Integrated functions of SINAMICS G180 are generally certified by independent institutes. An up-to-date list of currently certified components is available on request from your local Siemens office.

Detailed description of the Safety Integrated function

Safe Torque Off (STO) is a function that prevents the drive from restarting unexpectedly in accordance with EN 60204?1 Section 5.4. Safe Torque Off disables the drive pulses and disconnects the power supply to the motor (corresponds to Stop Category 0 of EN 60204-1). The drive is reliably torque-free. This state is also monitored internally in the drive.

STO has the immediate effect that the drive cannot provide any torque-generating energy. STO can be used wherever the drive will reach a standstill by itself due to the load torque or friction in a sufficiently short time or when "coasting down" of the drive will not have any relevance for safety.

Safe Torque Off

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания
Каталог оборудования 2015
Каталог продуктов Siemens Industry Приводная техника Преобразователи Стандартные преобразователи Основное представление об преобразователях SINAMICS V Преобразователи частоты общего назначения SINAMICS G Преобразователи частоты SINAMICS G110 Компактные преобразователи SINAMICS G120C Преобразователи для насосов, вентиляторов,компрессоров SINAMICS G120P Стандартные преобразователи SINAMICS G120 Преобразователь частоты SINAMICS G110D для распределенной периферии Преобразователи частоты SINAMICS G120D Преобразователи SINAMICS G130 формат шасси Преобразователь частоты SINAMICS G150 шкафного исполнения SINAMICS G180 Введение Компактные SINAMICS G180 и шкафные системы SINAMICS G180 Шкафы SINAMICS G180 Описание опций Руководство по настройке Functions Characteristic curves Cable cross-sections and connections Standard interface Communication possibilities The SINAMICS G180 type plate Supplementary Supply Agreements for Converter Drives in Power Plants Инструмент конфигурирования SIZER DT Configurator selection guide IMS commissioning tool Обслуживание и документация Высокопроизводительные преобразователи SINAMICS S MICROMASTER SINAMICS S120 SINAMICS S120 исполнения шасси Преобразователи SINAMICS S150 Преобразователи SIMODRIVE LOHER DYNAVERT Drive System Преобразователи на среднее напряжение Преобразователи постоянного тока Двигатели переменного тока Мотор-редукторы Flender Gear Units Couplings Инструментальное программное обеспечение Дополнительные компоненты Техника автоматизации Автоматизация и безопасность зданий Низковольтная коммутационная техника Технология безопасности Системные решения и продукты для отраслей Сервис ... и все, что Вам еще необходимо

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