официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2015
(4872) 700-366


With the SINAMICS DC MASTER Cabinet, flexibility and standardized quality has been fused to create a converter cabinet system. As a result of numerous options, the cabinet can be optimally adapted to individual requirements and the standardized production techniques and components ensure short delivery times.

Ready to connect up and switch on

SINAMICS DC MASTER Cabinet is, in the basic version, ready to connect and switch on. As result, engineering and commissioning times as well as plant downtimes can be shortened and the functionality guaranteed as result of the components which are optimally harmonized with one another.

Supply for motor fan

The power supply for the external DC motor fan is already included in the basic version, including motor protection circuit breaker. The setting values of the motor protection circuit breaker can be harmonized to the motor by selecting the appropriate option.

Flexibility for the auxiliary power supply

SINAMICS DC MASTER Cabinet can be universally and flexibly used for a wide voltage range. The ability to adapt to the existing control voltage is especially interesting when it comes to modernizing existing plants and systems. When specifying the line supply voltage, the auxiliary voltage for the converter cabinet is appropriately adapted. If a separate auxiliary power supply is not available, then this is taken from the cabinet.

EMC zone concept

As a result of the EMC zone concept, SINAMICS DC MASTER Cabinet is admirably suited for the industrial environment – both regarding the ruggedness with respect to interference and also to the low noise emission.

The zone concept refers to the spatial arrangement of the components installed inside the cabinet. These are electrical/electronic devices, especially also cables for power and signals; these can act as noise sources as well as also noise sinks. Features of this concept include separate cable routing and high-frequency low-ohmic connections. In order that this concept can also be maintained on the plant or system side, the customer interfaces that are easy to access, not only provide suitable terminals and shield connecting bars, but also sufficient space to connect cable screens in-line with the appropriate specifications.

The drive cabinet designed and built according to this concept ensures disturbance-free operation when it comes to electromagnetic compatibility.

Also refer to the Section "Notes for EMC-compliant drive installation"

Monitoring the temperature inside the drive cabinet

In the field, the availability of a drive is often influenced by changes to the ambient conditions:

  • Additional, external heat sources in the surroundings can cause the air intake temperature to increase.
  • Unusually high pollution in the air clogs the air intake filter.
  • Subsequently adding equipment and devices with a high power loss to the drive cabinet additionally loads the cabinet cooling.

These influences can be detected at an early stage by monitoring the temperature inside the drive cabinet using a PTC sensor so that the appropriate measures can be taken in plenty of time.

Individual components and customer interfaces that are easy to access

In spite of the compact design, the individual components in the SINAMICS DC MASTER Cabinet are clearly arranged and easy to access. Especially the terminals are arranged so that there is sufficient space for installation and strain relief of the cables. The signal cables are combined and routed to terminals in the lower cabinet section.

Type tested

It goes without saying that the SINAMICS DC MASTER Cabinets are type-test cabinets. The comprehensive range of tests, for example to ensure mechanical and electrical strength as well as cooling, clearly confirm our high quality demands.


In addition to the manuals for SINAMICS DC MASTER, it goes without saying that a circuit diagram and terminal diagram are also supplied. The diagrams are individually produced and precisely represent the state of the converter cabinets when they are shipped. The diagrams can also be provided digitally so that customers can integrate them into CAE systems.

Special project-specific solutions

In addition to 12-pulse series and 12-pulse parallel connections, solutions are also available to extend the power range – or for use in the medium-voltage range. Depending on the particular requirement, the converter cabinet is built based on the SINAMICS DC MASTER DC Converter or with the Control Module and a separate power section.

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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