официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2015
(4872) 700-366

Export control information

As a consequence of the prevailing export restrictions applicable to the system software of numerical controls, in relation to particular control functions in accordance with the European/German Export List (AL item 2D002), SINUMERIK 840D is available in two versions.

In the case of SINUMERK 840D, this applies to NCU system software.

The standard version of SINUMERIK 840D offers the full scope of control functions, but requires official approval when exported to countries outside the EU.

The export versions SINUMERIK 802C base line and SINUMERIK 840DE have restricted functionality in accordance with the export list restrictions and therefore do not require official approval as a result of their "Type" in accordance with EU or German law.

Functional restrictions are documented in the table below.

The approval status for the complete CNC system is correspondingly dependent on the hardware or software version used.

Important export information

Export of standard versions of components or systems is subject to a time-consuming official authorization process, so it is recommended that the export version is used where applicable.

"Information on List of Items (Auskunft zur Guterliste (AZG))" pertaining to the official export authorization process is available for each export version (e.g. Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA), Customs). You can obtain a copy of this list from your local Siemens sales office.

When the standard variant is used, it is important to note that official authorization is also required for the export of components subject to export approval within the framework of service provision, the supply of spare parts and for delivery of software updates and upgrades. This is especially relevant in cases where the control is exported after the machine manufacturer has installed it in a machine tool. The lengthy official approval procedure can severely restrict after-sales service.

When an application for an export permit for a system is submitted, we therefore recommend that spare parts supplies for any components requiring approval are included in the application as a matter of course to avoid future delays.

If the control is to be exported as an installed component in a machine tool, we recommend that machine manufacturers include any components requiring approval in the export permit application for the machine. If the machine itself does not require official export approval, but contains components which do, we recommend that an export permit for the replacement supply of such components is applied for in advance.

Spare parts supplies requiring official approval can then be exported quickly and easily by the machine manufacturer himself, or by Siemens if the manufacturer can make the original export permit available to Siemens.

General information:

If any particular components require official re-export approval according to US law, this must be duly filed for.

Information about official approval requirements for supplied components is given in the delivery documentation: Goods labeled here with "AL not equal to N" are subject to European or German export authorization when they are exported out of the EU. Goods labeled with "ECCN not equal to N" are subject to US re-export authorization. Even if goods are not labeled or labeled with "AL:N" or "ECCN:N", they may still be subject to export authorization due to the final destination and end use of the goods.

If a purchase contract is concluded, it shall be discharged by Siemens with the proviso that performance of the contract shall not be hindered by national or international legal requirements and especially by export control regulations.

Functional restrictions for export versions


Article No.

802C base line


Linear interpolation


Helical interpolation 2D+6

Machining package milling




Multi-axis interpolation (> 4 interpolating axes)


Master-value coupling and curve table interpolation



Generic coupling CP Basic



Generic coupling CP Comfort



Generic coupling CP Expert



Electronic gear unit



Machining package milling


Machining package 5 axes


Handling transformation package


Transformation TRICEPT, 5 axes: Root


Transformation TRICEPT, 5 axes: DMS


Transformation TRICEPT, 5 axes: 6th axis


Transformation Dynamic Swivel Tripod (DST)


Transformation Dynamic Swivel Tripod (DST): 6th Axis


HEXAPOD transformation 6 axes


Electronic transfer



Synchronized actions stage 2



Clearance control, 1D/3D in position control cycle



Sag compensation, multi-dimensional



 Basic version.

# Restricted functionality of the export versions.

– Not possible.

1) The number of simultaneously interpolating axes is restricted to four.

2) The number of simultaneously traversed axes is limited to four.

3) The number of simultaneously traversed axes is limited to four (path and positioning axes).

4) Clearance control 1D in the position-control cycle only, number of simultaneously interpolating axes is limited to four.

5) The tolerance band that can be corrected is limited to 1 mm (0.04 in).

The designation "E" in the name of the control indicates that it is the export variant, i. e. the relevant control software is classified as not requiring official approval (AL=N) with the functional restrictions specified in the table according to AL item 2D002.

For further details on "restricted functionality" for the export versions, see the Glossary.

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания
Каталог оборудования 2015
Каталог продуктов Siemens Industry Приводная техника Техника автоматизации Автоматизация и безопасность зданий Низковольтная коммутационная техника Технология безопасности Системные решения и продукты для отраслей Автомобильная промышленность Биотопливо Химическая промышленность Пищевая промышленность Производственные машины Непрерывное преобразование листового материала - Converting Печать Манипуляторы Пластик Текстиль Обработка металлов давлением Упаковка Компоненты автоматизации для станков SINUMERIK 808 SINUMERIK 828 with SINAMICS S120 Автоматизированные системы SINUMERIK & SINAMICS SINUMERIK 840D sl Type 1B with SINAMICS S120/Combi Станкостроение Введение Компоненты управления для УЧПУ Программное обеспечение HMI для УЧПУ УЧПУ Обзор функций SINUMERIK 802S/SINUMERIK802C SINUMERIK 840D Блоки питания SITOP power Модуль позиционирования Трехфазные серводвигатели Asynchronous motors Система измерения SIMODRIVE sensor Преобразователи SIMODRIVE 611 SIMODRIVE POSMO A DC-Модуль управления питанием 24 V/48 V SIPLUS POSMO A Программный пакет Drive ES Кабели и штекеры MOTION-CONNECT Сервис Сертификация Glossary SINUMERIK 802 Glossary SINUMERIK 840D Glossary Positioning modules Glossary SIMODRIVE 611 Glossary SIMODRIVE POSMO A Глоссарий Сокращения Горная и металлургическая промышленность Нефтегазовая промышленность Фармацевтическая промышленность Бумажная промышленность Солнечная энергетика Транспорт, инфраструктура, логистика Вода и водоподготовка Сбыт электроэнергии Возобновляемые источники энергии Отраслевые решения Отраслевые продукты Сервис ... и все, что Вам еще необходимо

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  (4872) 700-366