официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2012
(4872) 700-366

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PC-based Power Management System
Power management system with the SENTRON product family

The SENTRON product family offers the user not only power management software in the form of powermanager, but also the corresponding hardware in the form of 7KM PAC measuring devices and 3WL/3VL circuit breakers for the realization of a complete power management system.

The components are optimally coordinated with each other. For example, special drivers for the SENTRON devices are integrated in the powermanager software so that on the one hand the power data acquisition can take place without any great configuration effort and, on the other hand, the most important measured values or states are indicated by predefined displays.

This reduces the engineering work for the customer and gives the user the assurance of knowing that the device functions are optimally supported in the software.

Energy management software powermanager

The power management software powermanager is at the heart of the PC-based power management system and

  • is independent power management software
  • can be operated with a PC and measuring instruments with Ethernet connection.
  • is expandable from the simple standard application to
  • a fully flexible customer solution.
  • is fully scalable with regard to the number of devices and to the software's functions
  • ensures the optimum integration of measuring devices from the 7KM PAC range, 3WL/3VL circuit breakers and other devices.

The powermanager energy management software includes a client/server installation for recording, preparing, displaying and archiving power data. These power data are supplied primarily by 7KM PAC measuring devices or 3WL/3VL circuit breakers, which are connected to the system through Ethernet.

The powermanager software is available as "Expert", "Web" and "Distributed Systems" option packs.

Каталог оборудования
Каталог продуктов Siemens Industry Приводная техника Техника автоматизации Автоматизация зданий Аппаратура модульного исполнения BETA Распределительные шкафы ALPHA Устройства защиты Выключатели и разъединители нагрузки Коммутационные устройства Источники питания Система сборных шин SR60 Измерительные устройства и E-счетчики Обзор системы PC-based Power Management System SIMATIC-based Power Management System SENTRON Многофункциональные измерительные устройства E-счетчики Другие измерительные устройства Сервер ЛВС 7KT1 390 Аксессуары Мониторы Клеммы Электроустановочное оборудование DELTA Системы автоматизации зданий с instabus EIB Программное обеспечение Измерительные приборы BETA Система сборных шин SR60 Устройства защиты от перенапряжений и молниезащита Низковольтная коммутационная техника Технология безопасности Системные решения и продукты для отраслей Сервис ... и все, что Вам еще необходимо

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