официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2012
(4872) 700-366

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The properties of WirelessHART can be summarized as follows:

  • Simplicity in handling and engineering
  • Secure communication
  • Availability in network
Simplicity in handling and engineering
  • Utilize current tools, same workflow
    The description of devices and adapter is carried out using proven EDDL technology. SIMATIC PDM continues to be used as a tool.
  • Multiple power supply options
    Devices can be operated externally with 24 V DC, external or integrated battery packs as well as solar cells. The option of using energy from the process or the environment has been researched at universities and industry for some time. It is expected that results and products will be available in the medium term.
  • Reduced installation costs
    Depending on use, installation costs for data cables or power supply cables are not required.
  • Coexists with other wireless networks
    WirelessHART only uses the ISM band in the 2.4 GHz area, since it is available across the globe. However, it is also used by Industrial Wireless LAN (IWLAN), for example. For this reason, a requirement to allow WirelessHART to co-exist with Wireless LAN networks was an absolute requirement when this technology was defined. This coexistence has been achieved by constantly changing the channels and hence frequencies. This is also called "channel hopping". Moreover, individual channels can be completely disabled through so-called "blacklisting", for example if they are locally used by IWLAN.
  • Support of star-shaped and meshed network topologies
    Networks can be built in both a star-shaped as well as meshed structure. The advantage of star-shaped networks with a gateway as the centre is that it allows for fast update cycles. However, the range of the network is limited to a maximum of approx. 200 m without obstacles between the gateway and the devices.
    The advantage of meshed networks is their greater range, since each participant in the network is also a repeater and forwards the data of remote participants towards the gateway. The disadvantage: increased transmission times for data between the field device and the gateway.
  • Faster commissioning
    Once the device is installed, it can usually be commissioned right away, since the usual waiting time for completing the installation of the cables does not apply in this case.
  • Self-organizing and self-healing networks
    WirelessHART networks are automatically organized, built and administered by the Network Manager. Engineering is usually not required.
    The Network Manager is implemented in the IE/WSN-PA LINK, the WirelessHART gateway from Siemens.
    It calculates the optimal connection routes between the network participants and defines an alternative path that can be used in the case of disruptions in advance. In that sense, the network can be considered self-healing.
    In addition, the Network manager also defines the channels or frequencies to be used for all communication.
    Statistics regarding communication are compiled automatically and are available to users.
  • Security - always active
    All designated mechanisms with regard to security are available automatically, and do not require any engineering.
  • Make changes in the network without the need for configuration. The Network Manager automatically adds and withdraws participants to/from the network.
Secure communication
  • Encryption - All information is automatically encrypted with 128 bit AES prior to transmission
  • Specific keys for each data packet
  • Data integrity - Each data packet is checked for changes or damage during transport.
  • Device authentication
    Each device must know the network identification number as well as the join key. Otherwise the Network Manager does not include it in the network.
  • Channel Hopping
    The channel which is used will be changed according to the Network manager’s specifications after each telegram. This provides an added level of security against spying activities.
  • Failed authentification report
    Each unsuccessful attempt by a participant to join the network will be recorded and made available to the user.
Availability in network
  • Communication based on IEEE 802.15.4-2006
    Wireless communication takes place on the basis of a proven industry standard. It allows for very minimal power consumption.
  • Utilization of ISM band (2.4 GHz)
    This band can be used worldwide without incurring additional costs.
  • Channel hopping overcomes disruptions
    Disruptions are usually limited to a small frequency range.
    By constantly changing the channel, it is possible to overcome the effects of such disruptions and hence increase the network’s reliability.
  • Channel Black Listing permanently blocks disrupted channels.
    When operating another network at the same location, the channels occupied by that network can be blocked in the WirelessHART network.
  • Self-healing network
    This aspect has already been discussed
  • Redundant communication paths
  • The Network manager automatically calculates redundant communication paths. This significantly increases the level of availability.
Software Overview

Applications 1 and 2 will require the following software products.



Order No.

Application type 1

Maintenance Diagnostic Station



SIMATIC PDM and Options

SIMATIC PDM Basic (4 Tags)

6ES7 658-3AX06-0YA5

Extend Basic to 128 Tags

6ES7 658-3XA06-2YB5

Extend Basic to up to 512 Tags

6ES7 658-3XB06-2YB5

Extend Basic to up to 1,024 Tags

6ES7 658-3XC06-2YB5

Extend Basic to up to 2,048 Tags

6ES7 658-3XD06-2YB5

SIMATIC PDM service (128 Tags)

6ES7 658-3JX06-0YA5


6ES7 658-3EX06-0YB5

HART OPC Server V3.0

Included in SIMATIC PDM1)

WirelessHART gateway

IE/WSN-PA LINK with integrated non-removable antenna

6GK1 411-6CA40-0AA0

WirelessHART adapter



Application type 2

Process control system


SIMATIC S7/SIMATIC PCS 7 function blocks for communicating with WirelessHART devices using the IE/WSN-PA LINK


WirelessHART gateway

IE/WSN-PA LINK with integrated non-removable antenna

6GK1 411-6CA40-0AA0

Field devices







1) You can also contact your Siemens contact person.

2) Other versions and accessories can be found in the product descriptions of this catalog.

Каталог оборудования
Каталог продуктов Siemens Industry Приводная техника Техника автоматизации Системы автоматизации Системы визуализации SIMATIC HMI Системы идентификации Промышленные коммуникации SIMATIC NET Промышленные аппараты управления SIRIUS Промышленные информационные технологии Управление на базе РС Системы управления процессом Датчики Контрольно-измерительные приборы Pressure gauge Датчики давления Приборы измерения температуры SITRANS T Расходомеры Уровнемеры Расходомеры и счетчики Позиционеры Устройство для защиты и пуска двигателей SIMOCODE-DP Блок питания/искробезопасной развязки датчиков SITRANS I Источники питания и разделители Сигнализаторы сбоев в промышленном процессе Аппаратные ПИД-регуляторы SIPART Встраиваемые самописцы и индикаторы Коммуникации и программное обеспечение Коммуникации HART протокол WirelessHART PROFIBUS FOUNDATION Fieldbus Продукты WirelessHART Анализаторы процесса Технологии взвешивания Датчики зрения Блоки питания Продукты для специальных требований Автоматизация зданий Низковольтная коммутационная техника Технология безопасности Системные решения и продукты для отраслей Сервис ... и все, что Вам еще необходимо

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