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Visualization – up to 200 times faster with KNXnet/IP
When larger projects require the cyclic polling of large volumes of data points for the purposes of visualization, this can often lead to prolonged periods of waiting until the values are updated. Use the LAN as the main and backbone line and link your visualization PC to the LAN.
The visualization is then up to 200 times faster - and you can monitor larger volumes of data points. No further need for data concentrators. The data volume is irrelevant. And the LAN can deal with that "little bit of KNX" on the side.
The solution
The benefits
- LAN as main and backbone line
- Visualization up to 200 times faster than previously
- High data volumes possible
- No data concentrators required
Proceed as follows
- Commission the KNX devices, including the N 146/02 IP router
- Install visualization software
- Search for the N 146/02 IP router as visualization software and connect
- Configuring the visualization
You require the following
- N 146/02 IP router (5WG1 146-1AB02), 1 x per line
- 24 V power supply for N 146/02 IP Interface
(e.g. 4AC2 402, Power over Ethernet, unchoked bus voltage) - Ethernet network (LAN)
- PC LAN-capable
- IPAS ComBridge Studio visualization software(see Chapter "Display and Operation Units")
- ETS3 (current versionsee
LAN stands for Local Area Network. In LANs, data transport is organized over the IP (Internet Protocol) – the standard network protocol on the Internet.
Multicast-capable: Multicast telegrams can simultaneously operate several IP devices in the LAN. In the case of network components (network switches, routers) this requires the appropriate configuration.