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Higher productivity on creating applications thanks to the following improvements:
- Shorter development times are achieved thanks to the GNU tools tested and released for RMOS3 with the C/C++ compilers of version V3.4.1 suitable for multicore applications. Internal compiler optimization layers reduce the compilation time by up to 80 %, i.e. a 300 KB file can now be created in 15 s instead of 80 s under RMOS3-GNU V2.1. This provides an enormous potential for improvement of large projects with several Mbyte of data.
- Various code optimizations of the C/C++ compiler also ensure an increase in performance of up to 30 % in the execution of programs. Improved code analysis during compilation means, for example, that constants are no longer calculated during runtime and simple program loops are calculated beforehand during compilation.
- The new versions of the Eclipse IDE V3.4 with the CDT plug-in V5.0 provide improved search functions, indexes and navigation as well as a revised editor complete with new highlight functions for variables: This makes execution of complex software much easier.
- New RMOS3 plug-ins for the Eclipse IDE support the developer with analyzing target systems: The terminal plug-in for remote operation and the profiling plug-in for easy measuring of the system load and the task activity on the target system.
- The improved remote launcher plug-in enables applications to be debugged alternatively in Privilege level PL0 or PL3.
- The improved debug interface between the development system and target system supports faster build-up for the debug link, improved multi-task debugging and premature termination of the debugging process.
High degree of investment protection:
- RMOS3-GNU will be available long-term thanks to version updating and management through Siemens.
- High quality thanks to intensive testing of the GNU tools for RMOS3 (Version 3.40 and higher)