The Braking Modules in booksize compact format can be integrated in drive line-ups in booksize and booksize compact formats with internal air cooling and cold plate cooling.
The Braking Module in booksize compact format features the following connections and interfaces as standard:
- 2 DC link connections via integrated DC link busbars
- 2 electronics power supply connections via integrated 24 V DC busbars
- Connector X1 for connecting the braking resistor
- Connection for thermostatic switch for monitoring the braking resistor
- 4 DIP switches for setting the operating threshold, selecting the braking resistor and the cooling method for the Braking Module
- 2 digital inputs (disable Braking Module/acknowledge faults and rapid discharge of DC link)
- 3 digital outputs (Braking Module disabled, prewarning fromI t monitor and set activation threshold)
- 2 PE (protective earth) connections
The status of the Braking Module is indicated via two 2-color LEDs.