официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2012
(4872) 700-366
Mechatronics Support
We combine mechanics, electronics and information technology in one simulation environment.

This philosophy is implied by the name: Mechatronics is more than just mechanics and more than just electronics. Mechatronics is the integration of mechanical and electrical engineering with electronics, sensors, diagnostic equipment and information technology.

And this means:

With Mechatronics Support, the developers first create and analyze a mechatronic simulation model of the new machine. This allows all the key performance characteristics of a new machine to be determined and verified before the first (and then only) real prototype is built. This simulation process is an important source for quality improvements and development cost cutting and a valuable tool which you should utilize.

We offer this service.

We at Siemens do not consider ourselves as merely manufacturers of products, systems and plants, but as solution providers as well. With our Mechatronics Support service, we start helping you with the design of your new machine – with selective analysis and optimization using pure simulation models so that we can eliminate a prototype.

Virtual Prototyping

Mechatronics Support was previously only applied when the prototypes of new machines were unable to achieve the prescribed performance characteristics. However, it is far more effective to integrate a holistic simulated mechatronic assessment at a very early stage of product development.

Using our Mechatronics Support, it is then possible to create a mechatronic simulation model of the machine and obtain a virtual prototype instead of producing a real prototype or series of prototype models.
Computer-aided simulation tools are applied in a standardized procedure to test and analyze the virtual prototype under production conditions in simulation mode.

Early on in the development phase, it is possible to identify any weak points and rectify them economically and quickly.

Complete implementation

With our Mechatronics Support service, we offer the means of creating a simulation model which combines the mechanical machine components with the motors, converter systems, drive control and CNC/Motion Controller in such a way as to produce an intelligently controlled virtual machine.

Virtual Prototyping is the TOP feature of our Mechatronics Support service

The scope of tasks to be performed is defined during theconsultation process during the machine design phase and provides the basis for a simulation quotation.Simulation of the machine with the FE model (finite element model) determines the forms of natural vibration, includes simulation of the closed-loop control drive systems and control technology and offers the means of calculating variations.Machine optimizationverifies the results obtained from the simulation on the prototype or the final machine design.

Mechatronics Support modules

The scope of services can be tailored to meet the customer's individual requirements and special needs. Service modules are provided for this purpose. These can be ordered individually or as packages – as in the case of Virtual Prototyping.

Whether you want to improve or upgrade an existing machine and wish to discuss possible options with experts in an initial technical consultation or whether you would like a feasibility assessment of new ideas at the development stage, our Mechatronics Support service can provide you with the individual help you need.

Example: FE model

Каталог оборудования 2012
Каталог продуктов Siemens Industry Приводная техника Преобразователи Стандартные преобразователи Преобразователи частоты общего назначения SINAMICS G Высокопроизводительные преобразователи SINAMICS S SINAMICS S110 SINAMICS S120 Системный обзор Технические данные Communication Компоненты Кабели и штекеры MOTION-CONNECT Safety Integrated Конфигурирование Сервис и документация Applications Практическое применение Обучение Коммутационные шкафы Контракт на ремонт и сервис RSV Мехатронная поддержка Mechatronics Support Комплектное оснащение Сервис и поддержка SPARESonWeb SPARESonWeb My Documentation Manager Documentation Документация Сертификация Глоссарий SINAMICS S120 Combi drive system MICROMASTER Преобразователь частоты SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES SINAMICS S120 SINAMICS S120 исполнения шасси Преобразователи SINAMICS S150 Преобразователи SIMODRIVE Преобразователи частоты для распределенных систем SIMATIC ET 200S Drive System Loher DYNAVERT Преобразователи на среднее напряжение Преобразователи постоянного тока Двигатели переменного тока Мотор-редукторы Инструментальное программное обеспечение Дополнительные компоненты Технологии приводов для экстремальных условий Техника автоматизации Автоматизация зданий Низковольтная коммутационная техника Технология безопасности Системные решения и продукты для отраслей Сервис ... и все, что Вам еще необходимо

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