официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2017
(4872) 700-366

SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture

SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture is a very modular SCADA system. The required functionalities are realized by specific, functional entities created for various tasks. In SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture these units are called "Managers" – they are also independent processes in software terms.

WinCC OA Manager


Event Manager (EV)

The Event Manager (EV) is the processing center in WinCC OA. This unit provides a constantly updated image of all PowerTags in the memory. Each other functional unit (Manager) that wants to access the data receives it from the process image of the Event Manager and does not have to communicate directly with a controller. Conversely, a command from an operator station is initially set only as a value change in the process image of the Event Manager. The associated driver then forwards it to the corresponding target device (e.g. PLC) automatically.
The Event Manager is a kind of central data distributor, in effect the communication center for WinCC OA. Furthermore, this Manager also carries out the alarm handling and can execute various arithmetic functions autonomously.

Driver Manager (D)

The lowest level in a WinCC OA System is represented by the process connections, referred to in WinCC OA as drivers (D). These are special programs that handle the communication with the control and field level. Since numerous different forms of communication are possible with the PLCs or telecontrol nodes, there are different drivers that can be selected. In very simple terms, the driver is a unit for converting a particular protocol into the internal communication form of WinCC OA. The driver reads the current states, measurement or counter values from the field and in the opposite direction it forwards commands and setpoints to the lower-level controllers (= the term "control" should be used here and below to represent all possible devices of the basic automation (PLC, DDC, telecontrol system, etc.)).

Data Manager (DB)

The Data Manager (DB) represents the link to database. On one hand, it involves the parameterization data of an application that is to be stored in such a database. On the other hand, it involves the historical recording of changes in values or alarms. If a user wishes to query historical data at a later date, then the Data Manager completes this request and not the database itself.

Control Manager (CTRL)

WinCC OA has numerous options for implementing your own algorithms and processing. The two most important are the internal language control (CTRL) and the general application programming interface (API).
Control is an extremely powerful scripting language. The processing is interpretative, so that no compilation is required. The syntax is almost identical with ANSI-C, with some modifications for simplification. This is a fully developed, procedural high-level language with multi-threading (= quasi-parallel processing of individual programs; the system itself carries out the processing check). The language offers a comprehensive function library for tasks of the control and visualization technology. Control can be used as a stand-alone process (Control Manager), for animation and user interface design or for standardized, data object-oriented processing functions.
The API (WinCC OA API) represents the most powerful form of functional expansion. It is configured as a C++ class library and allows the software developer to implement individual functions as an independent, additional manager (forecast system, simulation, tools, proprietary databases, etc. ).

User Interface Manager (UI)

The interface to the user is created by the User Interface Manager (UI). This comprises a graphics editor (GEDI), a database editor (PARA) or the general user interface of the application (Vision module). The User Interface serves to display values, issue commands or track alarms in the alarm list. Trends and reports are also usually part of the UI. From a programming viewpoint, the user interaction in WinCC OA is completely isolated from the background processing – this is merely a view of the data of the current process image or the history.

A WinCC OA System consists of function-specific units, the managers

For special tasks such as redundancy, management for distributed systems, web server, reporting, simulation, COM etc., further managers are available.

The powerful configuration functions contribute to a reduction of engineering and training overheads and lead to increased flexibility and operational reliability.

Special functions


Access to external databases

The database interfaces offer the possibility of access to external databases.
Under Windows, the link is established via the ADO Standard. ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) is an interface developed by Microsoft for vendor-independent access to data sources of all types, primarily databases. The data source for ADO is an OLE DB Provider, although ODBC-compatible databases can also be addressed via an internal wrapper.
In Linux, the Qt library is used as an interface to relational databases. Access in this case is either direct via the native DB-API or via ODBC.

Application Programming Interface (API)

The API offers a series of functions that enable WinCC OA to be extended with special managers. A manager means a program that communicates with the system by via a protocol defined by WinCC OA.

COM (Component Object Model)

This is a specification for the development of modular software components that can be used by each COM-compatible application. COM components can easily be integrated into such applications and can even be removed from an application during runtime. COM components can be programmed in a host of different languages, even though C++ is usually used for this purpose. The specifications OLE, ActiveX and DirectX are based on the COM technology.

Control expansion

Expansion that allows C++ functions to be added to the programming language.

Panel topology/summation signal

Generation of panel hierarchies/topologies in existing or new projects and automatic creation of summation signals of the alarm data points that are located in the panels of the topology.

(see figure below)

The failure safety in a redundant system is implemented by means of hot standby. Hot standby is a hardware-independent solution for high availability. This is a safety concept that consists of two interconnected server systems. Both servers are constantly in operation and are subject to the same functional loading (but only one server is ever active; the second compares the data with the primary unit at runtime). On the failure of one unit, an "on-the-fly changeover" takes place and the previously passive server assumes the leading role. This guarantees access to data or functions at all times.


Allows the sending and receiving of text messages with WinCC OA.

Encryption of panels and CTRL scripts/libraries

Allows your panels or scripts to be encrypted, thereby protecting your knowledge and work.

Script Wizard

Easy-to-use tool that simplifies the creation of animated, graphical plant symbols, which saves time during engineering.

Simple Symbols

Basic package of plant symbols that have been created using the script wizard. These can be adapted quickly and easily to the specific requirements of the customer.

Easy Faceplates

Simple parameter assignment of predefined pop-up windows that display details of the associated plant symbol. Without any additional drawing outlay, several standard functions per object can be activated for the detail view (alarm display, trend display, measured value table, setpoint value table, address table, notes).

Drag and Draw

Several representative graphical objects can be defined and configured for each plant object in the data model (data point type). These are pre-configured and need only be moved to the panel via drag-and-drop when the plant pictures are drawn. This saves valuable time during engineering.

Distributed systems
(see the diagram below)

Permits the coupling of two or more autonomous WinCC OA systems via a network. Each subsystem of a distributed system can be configured either as a single-user or multi-user system, each of which may be redundant or non-redundant. A sub-system in this context means a server on which an Event Manager is running, whereby in case of redundancy both redundantly operating servers are considered as one system.

The diagram shows a detailed representation of the two computers Server 1 and Server 2. Server 1 is in the management mode (active) and Server 2 is in hot standby mode (passive).
In the case of redundant operation, the UIs of both operator stations are connected to both Event Managers, however only the data of the active system is displayed on both UIs. The Event Manager of the passive system is restricted exclusively to communication with the Event Manager of the active system for comparison of the process data (it sends no data to the connected UIs or it discards messages from the drivers – this can be seen in the figure with the switches on the UIs or on the passive Event Manager).

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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  (4872) 700-366