официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2017
(4872) 700-366

SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules

They have been designed according to the zone concept principle and therefore offer the highest possible level of operational reliability. EMC measures have been rigorously implemented. With the help of simulated conditions, partitions have been designed to act as air guides and heat dissipation units.

Special measures used in the construction of the cabinets ensure that they remain mechanically durable over their entire life cycle.

Attention has been paid to providing a wide range of cable routing options and special design concepts are applied consistently to broaden the scope of application and simplify service. The units have all the necessary connections and connecting elements. Thanks to their carefully considered configuration concept, cabinets are shipped in a ready-to-connect state or, in the case of multiple transport units, have been prepared for quick assembly. An extensive spectrum of options designed to adapt the units to a variety of different applications facilitates the selection process.

All components, from individual parts to the ready-to-connect cabinet, undergo rigorous testing throughout the entire production process. This guarantees a high level of functional reliability during installation and commissioning, as well as in operation.

Replaceable components have been designed so that they can be quickly and easily replaced. In addition, the "Spares On Web" Internet tool makes it easy to view the spare parts that are available for the particular order at all times 1).

1) The properties of the SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules described in this catalog are not transferable to cabinet units constructed to meet the requirements of specific applications.

System design

Line Modules are coupled with the various Motor Modules by means of prefabricated busbar sets with different current carrying capacities.

All standard busbars, as well as electronics components, are protected against environmental influences. This is achieved through the use of nickel-plated copper bars and painted modules throughout.

A special, standard auxiliary power supply system supplies the individual Cabinet Modules with the required auxiliary voltages for the power components, fans and 24 V loads.

These voltages are preferably generated using an auxiliary power supply module. Additional supply possibilities are available using the K76 option (auxiliary power supply generation in the Line Connection Module) or using an external supply in the auxiliary power supply system.

The auxiliary power supply system comprises an auxiliary power supply module with two terminal blocks (air cooling) and one auxiliary voltage terminal (liquid cooling) and a 24 V DC fuse as well as the required connecting cables. It is supplied completely assembled and ready to operate. Only the cable connections to the adjacent Cabinet Module must be established on-site.

Communication between the Control Unit, power units and other active SINAMICS components is realized via DRIVE?CLiQ connections.

DRIVE?CLiQ is an internal serial interface of the drive that enables fast and easy configuration of the complete drive line-up with prefabricated cables in varying lengths.

The Cabinet Modules can be optionally supplied in pre-configured transport units up to a total length of 2400 mm. This option is particularly recommended in air-cooled Cabinet Modules for Line Modules together with Line Connection Modules since, in this case, the Line Connection Module must be equipped with a pre-charging DC link or line reactors (depending on the type of Line Module), in addition to the electrical interface (busbar). For liquid-cooled Cabinet Modules, delivery in transport units has the advantage that the tube system of the cooling system can be implemented completely without couplings. Transport units thus enable the various devices to be quickly and easily assembled on-site.

Coated modules

The following devices are equipped with coated modules as standard:

  • Booksize format units
  • Chassis format units
  • Control Units
  • Sensor Modules
  • Terminal Modules
  • Advanced Operator Panel (AOP30)

The coating on the modules protects the sensitive SMD components against corrosive gases, chemically active dust and moisture.

Nickel-plated busbars

All of the copper busbars used in the converter cabinets are nickel-plated to achieve the best possible immunity to environmental effects. Furthermore, there is no need to clean the contacts on the customer terminals as otherwise required for bare copper connections.


With some options, parts of the copper busbars cannot be nickel-plated for technical reasons.

PE bars

The Cabinet Modules are delivered with a PE bar as standard. It is used to connect and fasten PE conductors.

Degrees of protection of Cabinet Modules

The EN 60529 standard covers the protection of electrical equipment by means of housings, covers or equivalent, and includes:

  • Protection of persons against accidental contact with live or moving parts within the housing and protection of the equipment against the ingress of solid foreign bodies (touch protection and protection against ingress of solid foreign bodies)
  • Protection of the equipment against the ingress of water (water protection)
  • Abbreviations for the internationally agreed degrees of protection

The degrees of protection are specified by abbreviations comprising the code letters IP and two digits.

Degree of protection

First code number

(touch protection and protection against solid foreign bodies)

Second code number

(protection of the equipment against the ingress of water)

(Standard for air-cooled version)

Protected against solid foreign bodies
diameter ? 12.5 mm

No water protection

(Standard for liquid-cooled version, option M21 for air-cooled version)

Protected against solid foreign bodies
diameter ? 12.5 mm

Protected against drip water

Vertically falling water drops shall not have a harmful effect.


(Option M23)

Protected against solid foreign bodies
diameter ? 12.5 mm

Protected against spray water

Water sprayed on both sides of the vertical at an angle of up to 60° shall not have a harmful effect.


(Option M43)

Protected against solid foreign bodies
diameter ? 1 mm

Protected against spray water

Water sprayed on both sides of the vertical at an angle of up to 60° shall not have a harmful effect.

(Air-cooled version only)

(Option M54)

Dust protected

Ingress of dust is not totally prevented, but dust must not be allowed to enter in such quantities that the functioning or safety of the equipment is impaired.

Complete touch protection

Protected against splash water

Water splashing onto the enclosure from any direction shall not have a harmful effect.

(Liquid-cooled version only)

(Option M55)

Dust protected

Ingress of dust is not totally prevented, but dust must not be allowed to enter in such quantities that the functioning or safety of the equipment is impaired.

Complete touch protection

Protected against water jet (nozzle)

Water projected by a nozzle against the enclosure from any direction shall not have a harmful effect.

Air-cooled Cabinet Modules meet degree of protection IP20, liquid-cooled Cabinet Modules degree of protection IP21, as standard. The other degrees of protection outlined here are available as an option.

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Арматура DENDOR

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Датчики и измерители

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Регуляторы и регистраторы

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Пневматическое оборудование

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Краны и Клапаны

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Измерительные приборы

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Системы беспроводного управления «умный дом»

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Бесконтактные выключатели Конечные выключатели Оптические датчики Энкодеры

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SKW-FS - Установка умягчения

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SKW-FK - Установка обезжелезивания

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  (4872) 700-366